Chapter 8

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"Wait, if this is a lair, then who owns it?" Kitsu asked, looking around at the black, rocky walls. The only light came from the patches of toxic fusion matter that were littered everywhere, and wedged between the cracks on the walls. 

"Beats me..." Kenju replied, cracking his knuckles as he walked towards a Shocktangler that was floating above a rock, surveying the area as its tentacles pulsed with electricity. "Come on, we gotta clear out all of the Fusions and get to the exit,"

Kitsu pulled out a silver dagger and handed it to Sapphire. "It's not much, but here you go," he said before twirling his scythe and following Kenju.

Sapphire eyed the knife in her hands and took a deep breath before eventually following the others. "I don't like this place..." she whispered, a bit too loud since Kitsu turned around and chuckled.

Kenju tore the Shocktangler in half before looking down two halls. One hall was empty, while the other was filled with Shocktanglers and Fusion Spawns. "We're taking the populated one," he said coldly, headed off before being stopped by Kitsu's hand on his shoulder.

"Dude," Kitsu began. "I'm the Squad Captain. Why would we go down the hall full of things that  wanna kill us instead of the faster way that's empty?"

"Clearly you're not cut out for the job if you really think that this would be that easy..." Kenju said, turning around and glaring at the other boy before shrugging off his hand and walking down the path full of Fusions.

"Tch... Come on, Sapphire!" Kitsu ordered, walking off through the empty hallway.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked, following the captain down the darker, emptier hall. "What if he's right? I'm sure he knows more about thi-"

"Shut up!" Kitsu shouted angrily, picking up his pace before falling down a pit. Fortunately, he caught himself by wedging his scythe on both sides of it. Looking down, he saw a pool of toxic fusion matter that sizzled and glowed threateningly. "Shit..."

Sapphire gasped and reached her hand down to help him. "Come on, grab my hand, Kitsu!"

Kitsu grabbed Sapphire's hand and jumped up, pulling his scythe up with him. "We're going Kenju's way," he groaned, heading back with a laughing Sapphire in pursuit.

By the time the got to the other hall, it was filled with shattered remains of fusions that slowly began to bubble up and turn into fusion matter. 

"Looks like he's been busy, huh?" Sapphire joked as she walked ahead, holding the dagger defensively. 

"Nothing I couldn't have done," Kitsu muttered.

"But you didn't do it, silly. He did!" she replied, shaking a finger at him before continuing to walk.

Kitsu's face reddened and he shook his head before following her and reaching a wide room that was littered with toxic fusion matter everywhere in patches and cracks. "What the hell?"

Kenju and Fusion Numbuh Two were standing across from one another, about 10 feet away and glaring at each other.

"Traitor..." Fusion Numbuh Two spat, his jetpack blades whirring as his red eyes filled with hatred.

"I guess I am, what's it to you?" Kenju asked, walking over to a wall and leaning back on it with his arms folded. "You two handle him. If you're going to survive in this war, you'll have to be able to take these guys on..."

"What the hell, Kenju!?" Kitsu screamed. "Why would we fight Numbuh Two?"

"Dumbass, he's a Fusion version of Numbuh Two," Kenju retorted, cocking his head to the side and smirking cruelly. "By now, my dad's probably made a bunch of versions of Earth's heroes and villains, so you'll have to fight them regardless,"

"What if we die?" Sapphire asked, her hands trembling slightly as she clutched the dagger tightly.

"Then you were too weak in the first place," the prince replied, shrugging before laughing. "I'm kidding... I won't let you guys die. I fought this one already on Planet Fusion and killed it during a training exercise. He's pitiful,"

"We'll see who the pitiful one is when I bring you back to Lord Fuse with your head on a pike and your insides spread out on a platter for the Spawns!" Fusion Numbuh Two shouted.

"Your fight's with us!" Kitsu shouted, slashing a wide arc in front of him, blasting wind at Fusion Numbuh Two and sending him staggering back as Sapphire ran alongside a wall and spun around, slashing down at the Fusion who jumped back, dodging her attack. He continued dodging swipes from her as Kitsu formed a wall of ice behind him, stopping his movement as Sapphire swiped at his chest. 

Fusion Numbuh Two broke free with by powering up his jetpack and melting the ice around him,  but didn't escape without receiving a light scratch to the chest that bled green ooze from the wound.

Kitsu slammed his hand down, baring his teeth and causing the wind to slam Fusion Numbuh Two down to the ground as Sapphire tossed her dagger at his still figure. The dagger met Fusion Numbuh Two in the chest and he roared out, firing fusion matter blasts all over the room that sizzled upon contact with the walls. 

Kenju stood in front of his squad, knocking away all of the blasts that would hit the other two. "I let you guys die now from something like this, then I'll have to get a new squad..." he said before deciding  on something. "Kitsu, form a barrier of wind around him and wait till he hurts himself from all of the blasts he's projecting. Then, push Sapphire through the barrier towards the dagger so that she can push it deeper into his chest,"

"Got it!" Sapphire agreed.

"Fine..." Kitsu reluctantly said before forming a barrier of intense wind around Fusion Numbuh Two. The fusion matter blasts exploded inside of the barrier, knocking the fusion to his knees as Kitsu tossed Sapphire forward, forcing wind to propel her with blinding speeds. This was enough for her as she grabbed the dagger and slashed across Fusion Numbuh Two's chest, causing him to explode into Fusion Matter that formed a puddle on the ground. Then, it levitated, separated into three globs, and was sucked into each of their wristwatches with a "Ding!" sound once it was all collected.

Another portal appeared on the other side of the room and Kenju walked over to it, grinning proudly. "Good job, you guys... You took out one of a lot of them,"

Kitsu and Sapphire shook their heads before following the prince out of the portal and back into Sector V where the original portal disappeared as soon as they left. The toxic fusion matter disappeared and they walked back to the fallen treehouse where Dexter waited for them.

"We found a Fusion version of Numbuh Two," Kitsu stated, holding up his wristwatch.

"Good, and I trust you've collected fusion matter from it, right?" Dexter asked, grinning.

"Yep," Sapphire replied.

"Good, then my Nano Project can begin!"  Dexter said finally. 

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