The Doll House - Susanna

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She finally came out of the house and stood on the porch.  Excuse me, Sir, you called me? she asked her owner.  These men need to ask you a couple of questions about your brother. Hurry up and talk, when you're done get back to work, he said as he sat on a chair, with his shotgun, to listen to their conversation.

Sheriff Johnson started to question her about her brother.  Sue, what kind of man is your brother? he asked   He's a good man, wouldn't hurt anyone, she said  Do you know if he knew anything about voodoo? he asked her   Sue stood quiet, for a while, as though she was lost for words.

Then she put her head down and said,  My brother was the master of the voodoo dolls.  He knew how to bewitch a doll and bring them to life.  Why do you ask about such a thing? she then asked them   Someone is killing the men in our town, and we're pretty sure it's Oscar.   

No way my brother isn't evil that way, she said, worried and confused.   Did you ask him? she asked  The sheriff and the others looked at her, they noticed that she didn't know what happened nine months ago.  

Mrs. Sue, your brother ran away from Larry's plantation nine months ago, he explained.   No, that's not possible, my brother was happy there, no way he will run, she said   Well something happened that he hasn't been seen since, said the Sheriff as they were talking, Leon and his friend turn their heads, for they did know what really happens.

Sue, noticed that something wasn't right the way the three men were acting.  Something wasn't right, Sue felt that these men knew where her brother was.  So she stood up and told them that she no longer feels like talking to them and she walked away.   Leon grabbed her by the shoulder, wait we're not done asking you questions, he said as he turned her around.   The plantation owner pointed his shotgun at Leon,  Didn't you hear what the lady said?  Now get the hell off of my property.    Look, there is no need for violence, we leaving, said the sheriff as they walked to the horse, jumped on them and rode away. 

Then the plantation owner turned to Sue and asked her, are you making those voodoo dolls too?  She looked at him and said in order for the dolls to voodoo to work, you must sell your soul to the devil, and I believe in the Lord, not the devil, she responded as she walked away then went back to work.

Now the men were heading back to town.   Sheriff, did she tell you anything important, that might help us find Oscar? Leon asked with a worried looked.  All I know is that, if we burn them, then the spirit will leave the doll, that is all I know, he said   Hey Leon, I don't think she cared for you.  She looked at you all so mean, said Micheal with a smile.   Fuck that black bitch, I don't need her to like me, said Leon    Sheriff Johnson looked at him, and in his eyes, you could see the hate he felt for Leon.  He didn't say a word, but he speeded up his horse and rode away from them and left them behind.

Hey, it looks like the Sheriff doesn't want to ride with us, said Micheal    Fuck him, it's better for us we can talk.  Look we need to find this little shit.  We can't let him kill anymore.  This freak is killing us one by one, said Leon     Soon he's going to come after us, said Robert very worried.   Well, I'm not letting no one kill me, said Leon as he took out a handkerchief and wrapped his head like a bonnet, making sure he covered his ears.   Robert and Micheal began to make fun of him.  Now he looked like a granny.   Leon didn't care.  He saw the dead bodies, their ears were torn apart and something told him that Oscar was going to come for him sooner or later.

The men continued on their way to town.   The sheriff was now entering the woods.  The road through the woods, he noticed an unattended horse.  He quickly jumped off his horse, then began to search the woods.  He wanted to make sure that this wasn't another crime scene.

Now at Leon's farm, his wife was really worried.  Her husband was taking long to return.  So she told the children to stay in the house.  They weren't allowed to play outside and this was something that Abeley didn't like.  She was always outside playing with her brother.  So when her mother began to cook dinner, she convinced her brother to play tag outside.  Her brother at first didn't want to disobey his mother, but his sister kept pushing him on the arm.  She told him she wouldn't stop until he plays tag with her.   Her brother's arm was hurting, so he finally gave in and went out to play tag.

The children ran outside to play tag.   Abeley told her brother to count, while she hides.  Her brother leaned on a tree and covered his eyes and began to count.  While he was counting Abeley was running around looking for a good spot to hide.  So she went into the barn and hid under the hay.    Then as she laid there on the hay, she began to hear tiny footsteps, that sound like someone was hitting two pieces of wood together.  She thought it was her brother, so she didn't move, for she didn't want to be found so fast.   

She figured she'll take a peek, just to check how close he was, but when she looked around there was no one there.   Then she called out to her brother.  Something grabbed o her hair.  Abeley froze, didn't scream.   She began to shake her hair hoping that whatever was on her will fall off.    As she did this, her long hair wave around, she noticed the wooden doll holding onto her hair.  Now she began to scream out for help.   

Oscar somehow grabbed her ear.  Quite white girl,  no one is going to help you, as no one helped me.  Do you remember me? he said as he jumped off her ear and onto the front of her dress he held onto it as he continued to talk.  

Look, little bad girl, I asked you a question.  Answer me you little bitch, he said with a creepy look.   Abeley tried to talk but nothing,  not one word came out.    Well, since you have nothing to say, I have something to do, said  Oscar, as he jumped onto her face.  Abeley began to scream while at the same time holding onto the wooden doll.   This was pissing Oscar off, this little bitch had a good grip on him, so he quickly bit one of her fingers off, then said, You like to steal, I'll steal one of your fingers.  Abeley let him go and began to cry while looking at her bleeding finger.  The wooden doll quickly jumped into her eyes.  

 Abeley fell to the ground screaming loud.    Her brother heard her and quickly was running to her.    The little girl, that wants everything she sees, even if it doesn't belong to her, give the dollhouse back, bitch, he said as he toured her eye open and entered her head.    After a couple of minutes of screaming and crying, her body stood still, not crying nor breathing.  Abeley was dead, just like the slave she lied about.

When her brother finally reached her, he saw blood coming out of her eye.  He was afraid to touch her, for from far away, he asked her,  Abeley are you alright?  But she didn't answer nor moved.  This made her brother scared, then when he was about to walk away to get help, someone called his name.

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