The Doll House - Jack's Down

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Leon and his two friends arrived at the Sheriff House.  He explained what happens.  The sheriff found this to be strange.  He asked the men where was Tom's body now.  They told him that they dropped it off to Jack.  He then told the men to go home, and not to worry.  He'll get to the bottom of this, and the moment that he finds out anything he'll let the men know.

The three men went back home.  They were drunk, and confuse, no more beer for them tonight.  Sheriff Johnson headed to Jack's Funeral House.   The moment he parked his horse.  Lona, the horse began to jump up, she didn't want to be parked next to Jack's house.  So he parked her a  little further down the road.

As he arrived at the steps of the home, he saw little tiny spots of blood leading into the woods. He decided to follow the footprints that were tiny, backward into the house.

The sheriff couldn't believe what he saw, Jack was on the floor holding his stomach inside out.  It looked like someone place a large piece of bacon on top of his stomach.  The sheriff ran out of the room and began to vomit, for what he had just seen wasn't normal. He didn't get a chance to check out Tom's body.

He quickly sent a wire to the capital for some assistant in this matter.  Meanwhile, he sat on the steps outside and waited for the backup.  Not paying attention to the footprints that lead to the woods.  All he saw was little spots of blood.

Leon finally arrived home.  The wife had left dinner on the table for him.  No one was downstairs.  His son was in his room playing, the same as his daughter.  His wife was in the bedroom, reading a book.

Leon noticed that the dollhouse was missing from the living room coffee table.  He figured that Abeley must have miss behave and his wife took the house away from her.   He never let his wife punish her, so he looked around for the dollhouse.  He finally found it inside the closet.  He took it out and place it in front of Abeley door.  He wasn't sure if she was awake, he didn't want to wake her up.

Then he headed back to the kitchen to eat his cold dinner.  Abeley heard something at her door.  She was happy to know that her father was home. She opened her bedroom door to go downstairs, but when she opened the door, to her surprise, the dollhouse was sitting right in the front of her door.   She then screamed so loud, that everyone in the house ran in her direction.

When they finally were in front of her, they saw her screaming while staring at the dollhouse.  Abeley still saw blood in the bathroom of the dollhouse.  But she was the only one able to see the bloody dollhouse and the dead dolls for now.  To the others, there was nothing wrong.    Her brother began to tease her, he told her that the dollhouse was spooky and that is why he didn't play with it.  She should have listened to me, I felt something was wrong with that house.  Leon picked up the dollhouse and began to examine it.   To his eyes, there wasn't any strange about the dollhouse.  He didn't understand what was wrong with his daughter.  She won't stop crying until he took the dollhouse out of the house and placed it inside of the stables. Leon figured today was a very weird day.  First Tom, now this stupid house.  All he wanted now was some food and rest.   But before he can sit back down to eat, there was a knock on the door.

It was Tom's wife, she figured that he was still hanging around with Leon.   Leon explained to her that, if he doesn't return by the morning, he'll go searching for him.  He convinced her to go home.  Roxy, Tom's wife not knowing that her husband was long gone,  believed Leon and went home.  When Roxy left Leon was happy he finally had some peace and quiet.  He knew he was wrong not telling Tom's wife what had happened to him.   But before he got comfortable, again someone knocked on the door once again.   Who the hell is it now?  He thought as he went to answer the door.  He peeked out the window and saw the sheriff standing on his porch.  Shit, what is it now? he thought as he opened the door.  

Sheriff Johnson didn't have any good news.  He first asked Leon, where was the last time he saw Jack.  Leon told him that he and two of his friend road Tom's body to Jack Funeral House.   Was he alive then? The sheriff continued     Leon said, of course, he was alive.   Then the sheriff told him the news.  He explained every detail, but the little spots of blood leading to the wood.  Leon sat on the porch and began to think.  What in the world is going on here? First Tom, now Jack.  

Everyone in this town knows each other.  His friend didn't have any enemies, but me. He began to wonder if Oscar got out of the cave, and killed his friends.  He then realized that if this was the reason, his friends and him, were in very big trouble.  Now he had to go back to the woods and find the cave.  He knew that the large stones were impossible to be moved by one man.  It took three of his friends to move the stones in the first place.

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