The Doll House - Oscar Lives

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Leon quickly put his food away and headed to his friend John's house.  He told him what was happening.  John didn't believe him and just laughed.   He agreed to go with him to the cave.   But all they were going to find, was a dead black man.   

He grabbed a couple of candles and then jumped on their horses.   They parked the horse at the entrances of the wood.  Where there was a bench made of logs.  They tied the horses and proceeded to enter the wood.   The candles weren't helping much, it was still very dark.  As they walked through the woods, every single noise that nature made, made the two men jump.  They both laughed afterward, but deep inside they were really scared.

Now they finally reach the area where the cave was located.  They knew they were close by.  They kept looking until they found the large rocks in front of the cave.  Hey, Leon, over here, I've found it. Said John, as he started to remove the rocks.  Leon joined him and began to help.  After ten minutes, they had the entrance clear.  They both looked at each other, figuring out who was going to enter the cave.  Fine, I'll go in, said John, as he flagged his friend and enter the cave.  When in reach the center of the cave, he saw Oscar's body in a corner. 

The cave smelled so bad, that the men knew that he was dead.  You see I've told you he was dead, said John as he walked out of the cave.  Should we bury him, asked Leon  Really, is that what you want to do, cause I just prefer to place the rocks back and forget that we were ever here, explained John   Leon, agreed, but something seemed wrong.  The two men placed the rocks back and left the woods.  When they reached their horses, they really didn't say much to each other.  They said their, goodbyes, then parted their ways.  

Leon kept getting the chills.  He went home and forgot about his dinner.  He was tired and confused, and all he wanted to do was sleep and forget this day ever happen. 

John also headed home.  As he got closer to his cabin, he began to hear a whisper within the trees in the woods as he was riding away.   He noticed that Leon was too far from him.  The noise he heard made him curious.  He turned his horse around and headed back to the woods.

As he got closer to the cave the whispers got louder.  But it wasn't as though one person was whispering, it sounded more like four or five people whispering at the same time. John looked around, wondering, what was that noise.

John now was ten feet away from the cave looking around and waiting to hear the whispers again.   As he stands there looking around, he heard a scraping sound, the sound of rubbing two rocks together.  Then he saw the rocks began to move without any assistance.  John began to back up.  The rocks were moving, and all he'd fault like doing was run.  But the more he tried to run, the more he was afraid of what was going to happen to him next.

One by one the rocks moved.  John just stood there, not knowing what to do. When the last rock was removed, John began to back up.  What the hell is going on here, said John, as he turned around and began to run to his horse.  As he ran the whisper got creeper, and louder.   John stopped and looked around. Trying to see what was making that awful noise.  Then as he began to walk again, the ground began to move as though a chipmunk was under the ground digging.  John again started to run to his horse as the ground behind him was lifting inside out.    Then suddenly everything stopped. John was still running, when a vein grabbed onto his leg.  John struggled to get loose.  

But the more John tried to remove it, the tighter the vein got.  John fell to the ground, face first.  as he dug his nails into the dirt trying to get away.   John kept screaming for Leon, but he was already in bed fast asleep.   John took out his hunting knife and cut the vein loose.   He then began to crawl his way out of the wood.   Every time John crawled a good distance, a strong breeze push him right back where he started.

This happened about three times when John was frustrated.  He began to yell, what the hell do you want?  I do believe ghost only hurt those they know.  Just go the fuck away as he crawled almost getting to the exit of the wood.  One more step he needed just to be safe.  But he didn't make the step in time.  A strong wind blew and took him right back into the woods ass first.  When he landed on the ground the veins grabbed his arms and legs then spread him in an X formation,   John kept screaming for help.  

Then as he laid on the ground he began to hear the whispers again.  Do you remember me?  I'm the freak that you caved in. Didn't do anything wrong you see. The only thing wrong, was the color of my skin, over and over the whispers continued.  Then he felt something walking up, his leg.  In panicked, John started looking at his feet when he saw a little wooden man walking up, his leg.   What the hell is that he said as he shook his leg trying to knock the doll off.    The doll stopped at his private.   You said I touch that girl, but you were so wrong, I like men said the little doll as he began to open his pants up.   John began to scream, what the hell are you doing.  Someone help me.  But all you can hear are the sounds of the forest, for there was no one around to hear his scream.   

Oscar somehow entered through his pee hole.  John began to scream in pain, as the skin on his pelvis ripped apart and Oscar traveled through the canal like nothing.  While in his body,  he said, now where can I find an exit.   Blood was shooting out of his pelvis like it was pee.  Now Oscar was still looking for an exit, it was kind of red, too red to see anything.   You can see the object reaching the tips of his fingers, then turning back, up to his arms. Oscar was a little lost, by the time he found an exit John insides were destroyed.   

Blood was coming out of his eye, nose, and ears, but no Oscar.   Then he found a stinking exit.  Oscar began to dig his way out, slowly and holding his breath.  Out of all places, I had to choose this stinking asshole for an exit.  He said as he exited the body.  John was no longer awake nor alive.  

Now Oscar wooden body was all over from head to toe in shit.  Boy, next time, I must find a better exit, this fucker was all filled with shit.  Then he rolled in the dirt trying to clean himself.   But the smell didn't leave his body.  He ran around looking for water anything that will remove the smell that now was driving him crazy.  He figured that he wasn't going to find any water in the woods, so he headed to town.  As he walked and walked, he then noticed horses coming his way.  He quickly moved out of the way and hopped onto one of the horses tail.  The rider of the horse, Joshua notice a strong smell of shit the moment Oscar cling on his horsetail.   What did I ride over, buddy, you going to need a bath when we get home.   But the smell was too strong.  He yelled at the others that he was going to stop.  To keep going that he will meet them at the saloon.  The other men kept going and left him far behind.

Joshua stepped off his horse and took out his canteen and began to pour water on his horse feet.  He noticed that the smell wasn't coming from his feet but his tail.   Oscar hid in the hairs as Joshua now was pouring water over the tail to remove the smell.   The water was making the hair slippery, but Oscar held on, he didn't want the man to stop and run.  When Joshua noticed the smell was gone, he put the canteen away and hopped back on his horse then headed on his way.  

It was dark and the stars were shining brightly in the sky that night.  

So he rode down the lonely road.   When two strange men appeared to him.   The road up to him, side by side.  Hey, buddy, don't you know this is no place to ride alone.  So what do you have that we need, said Luis one of the stranger's   I hope you have something I need to, said Roy his partner.  Look, guys, I'm not looking for any problems, just let me go on my way, said Joshua as he tried to ride by them.   Luis quickly hit him over the head with his gun and Joshua fell to the ground.   Oscar who was still hanging around on the tail didn't like what he saw.   As one man went to pick the bags from Joshua's horse Luis went to check his pockets.   Oscar quickly jumped off of the tail and ran, then jumped on Luis back.  Shit, what the hell, get it off, get it off, he said as he ran to Roy for assistance.  Oscar was already hanging around his neck.   Crawled up to his ear and enter.   Luis was grabbing his ear screaming for help.

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