The Doll House - Voodoo Dolls

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Jason finally noticed it was time to go to attend the meeting.  He told his young daughter to stay in the house.  That he'll be gone for about an hour.   She told him not to worry, she started doing her homework, while listening to the radio.  Jason daughter was a very smart girl, and very obedient.  Jason left for the meeting.  His daughter sat down in front of the radio and started to do her homework.

Jason arrived at the meeting at the town's church.  Everyone was already there, but Leon and his friends.    The Sheriff began to explain what was going on for the past two days. Then he named all the men that were already killed.  Some of the families of the men that were already dead really were upset to find out that their family member was gone and finding out from a list, didn't make it any better.    Then Jason, listen closely when the sheriff described wanting the bodies looked like when they were found.  Jason quickly remembered the mangled dolls that his daughter didn't want to play with.  He began to walk up to talk to the Sheriff personally.  But something interrupted him.  Leon and Joshua came storming down the dirt road with  Timothy body on the back of his horse.

Leon began to scream as he got closer to the church.  Everyone was in front of the church turn and looked at Leon.  The Sheriff's face turns red when he noticed there was another body.  Leon, what happened to Timothy? he asked as he walked up to the house with two other men and took him off his horse and placed him on the ground.  "We don't know.  One minute he was searching the woods for us.  Somehow he wondered off.  Then Joshua and I heard him scream.  By the time we reached him, we found him like this.  Sheriff, someone out there, taking out my friends one by one and in my face. explained Leon as he sat on the steps of the church with his head in his hands as tears ran down his face.    The men carried the body to Jack's funnel home.  They placed him in a freezer with all the other bodies that have been buried.  The mortician was dead, so the bodies will have to be frozen until the town folks find another mortician.

Leon was very upset, even more for whatever was out there was also planning on killing him.  And to him, that wasn't cool at all.   The sheriff decided to leave men out watching for any strangers.  He picked nine men.  He assigned them their lookout time.   Three men at a time and every four hours rotate.  And that they did, three men at a time looking out for strangers.  They hid in different parts of the town hoping to solve the mystery.

Now Jason didn't get to tell the sheriff about the dollhouse.  Everyone was so upset and talking at the same time, he forgot.  After the meeting, he went back home.  As he was arriving home, he remembered the wooden dolls that were in his saddle bag.  He figured his daughter been along enough for today, he'll go and show the dolls to the sheriff tomorrow.

He finally arrived home.  He walked in and noticed that his daughter had heated up the dinner and ate.  She had fallen asleep on the sofa, with her school books in her hands.  Jason slowly removed the books and covered her with a blanket.  Then he noticed the dollhouse.  Those dolls, I wonder who made them.  He thought to himself as he checks out every detail of the dollhouse.  Then he noticed another doll, was laying the tiny living room of the dollhouse. when he picked it up, he noticed the doll looked just like  Timothy.  With every injury that the sheriff mention.  What in the world is going on here?  

They look like voodoo dolls.  He noticed that the doll had real blood where the eye was once craved, but no eye.  This doll freaked  Jason out especially since it suddenly gasped for air, then moved its head as dough he died.  Jason didn't want the doll or the Doll House in his house.  He quickly threw the doll back into the dollhouse.  He then carried it to the barn, placed it on top of a table and lock the barn doors behind.  I explained to the daughter in the morning.  It's an evil doll in the house. I won't let her play with it any longer, and if she cried, I build her one myself.  Jason then walked back into the house, ate dinner then got ready for bed.

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