The Doll House - The Visit

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Now they were arriving at Sue's home.  When they got closer they heard a shot.  The men jumped off their horse and ran for cover.   You men are stepping on private property, I'm going to give you time to get off my grounds and leave, said the owner of the plantation.   Then the sheriff took out a white cloth and tied it to a long branch.   He took the white flag that he just made and flagged it.   I see your flag, what do you want? The owner asked   The sheriff got off the ground and kept flagging the flag as he walked closer to the plantation owner.   

Then he noticed it was the Sheriff.   Hey, Sheriff Johnson is that you out there? he asked as he put his weapon down.   Then the Sheriff yelled in response,  Yes, is me, look I really need to talk to Sue, your maid, he said as he walked closer to him.  What do you want my maid for?  Has she done anything wrong? he asked   No, but we do need to talk to her about her brother, said Leon   And who are you boy?' he asked  I'm Leon, I ain't no boy.  Look we need to talk to her about Oscar.   What about Oscar, he's not here, you should know that.  I told him to your brother Larry many years ago, said the plantation's owner  as he walked away and called Sue    Look, men, there is work to be done, you can talk to her for ten minutes, no more than that and if you're not finished by then, I'll charge you five dollars a minute, he said with a smile   Really for talking? asked Leon   Boy don't you know that life is money?  Like I said five a minute and you are wasting your free minutes by talking to me. I'll leave you alone, I'll be back in five minutes, now believe I'm being nice, he said as he walked back into his house.

Now back at Joshua's house he had just woken up.  Another day, another search.  I wonder who or what was it that I saw.  He didn't kill me.  But why?  I'm going to see what's going on, too many of my friends are dead already, he said as he went outside and jumped on his horse.

He headed to the sheriff's house, not knowing that they want to talk to Susanna.   Joshua road his horse until he reached the woods, where he stopped to think and decided he was taking the long way around the woods.  He thought to himself, well, if he wanted to kill me, he had the chance to do so, but he let me go.  So I have a feeling that I'm safe.  Dumb doll, I was one of the ones that help place the rocks at the entrance of the cave.  Boy, I'm so glad, he doesn't know, he thought as he made up his mind and headed through the woods.

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