22. Rain...

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When it rains you and Louis would get tea out and switch all the lights off. You and Louis would then start telling each other scary stories until it got too scary you guys didn’t want to hear it anymore.


When it rains you and Zayn would never be found by anyone, because you guys would always be sleeping or in bed.


When it rains you and Liam would cuddle up on the couch together and watch movies all night long until the rain would stop.


When it rains you and Niall would normally just sit on the couch and talk about life, he would sometimes even start playing his guitar and you guys would start singing your favourites.


When it rains you and Harry would look through magazines and start talking about random celebrities and how they look and what’s the latest thing about them.


Not mine this is http://justinepaynlinson.tumblr.com/ xx she has amazing imagines!!

Thank you for 1.4 k!!!! 

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