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Asia was in the middle of her beauty sleep when her alarm rung.she woke up coz it was time for fajr and asia didn't want to miss her prayer.she stretched herself and went to the bathroom to take her ablution.After she prayed ,she read some prayers and started getting ready.As she was getting ready she started thinking about how her first day at work will be.She was nervous as hell.
Asia always dreamt of being a fashion designer all her life and hence studied it.After getting ready she went downstairs to be blown off her feet by the nice aroma of food which was coming from the kitchen.She went to the kitchen and spotted her mom 'Assalamu aleikum maa' she greeted her and went to kiss her on the cheek. Her mother replied back to her salaam.
Asia did not let her mom work after their father left them for another woman. She worked and provided for her mom. Asia grew up without the love of a father but her mom took the place of Father.She was served her food and she started digging in her food.She moaned after taking a bite.Asia was a foodie and she would not skip her food for anything.Though she was a foodie she had a lean and curvy body.
After finishing her meal,she stood up and bid goodbye to her mom and set off.

The wind blew against her skin as she walked down the road. She walked through the busy streets and reached the bus stop. Asia was not born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She come from a middle class family and that's why she takes a bus to everywhere she goes to. She was thankful though coz they are people who don't have a roof above their head and food to fill their stomach.

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