Chapter 14: Mika and the Others

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I'm still at a loss here. I can’t fathom why and how he could be so friggin spontaneous pretty much the entire time I've known him. Au contraire, I would never be so impulsive and I felt like he’s constantly testing me with his irritating ways, which I do find rather tempting at times. Well, not now though.

He went overboard with his charming tricks, involving pretty much my entire family just to win me over. I was dead sure he had broken countless hearts before back in France and he would always find a way to get them begging for more, much to his selfish use I suppose. It's definite then. I should remain ignorant, hold my head up high and continue on giving him the silent treatment. Silence is an aspect of hushed sarcasm and the trick was to act cool while completely dismissing your target. He might have acquired my parents’ permission to stay here just for the night (thank God for that!) but I’ve sworn to myself that I will make it the most awkward sleepover in his life. We’ll just see how far he could stand the pressure of silence mixed with total ignorance.

“I feel so relieved that you forgave me. I really thought you would hate me for the rest of your life. I know I'm at fault. I know we should've gotten to know each other first before asking you such a big question. L'amour is such a silly thing, thus it makes you do silly things as well.” He's trying to make up his own logic for his actions, which I clearly didn’t give a shit about.

I just walked pass him and reached out for my homework, muttering just a simple, “Thanks for the homework.” I rolled my eyes and sat on my ergonomic IKEA office chair. I didn’t have time to be friends with him, nor do I have time to mind him at all. I'm just a bit turned off by his stupid and daring attitude. If he wished to stay then he might have as well figure out the set of rules on his own. First, no unnecessary interaction. None whatsoever.

I glanced out the clear glass windows, focusing my eyes on my neighbouring house and I could see that he was telling the truth. His parents and his big brother went out for the night as all the lights were out except for the front porch. No cars were visible in the garage or the front yard either.

“Oh, you’re more than welcome.” He thought I would reply back so he waited for nothing in return. I could be as icy cold as I want. I am quite the expert in giving the cold shoulder treatment. I’ve perfected it with Nasty Amy for as long as I could remember.

“So you’re playing hard to get now? Okay then. I’ll just mind my own business then.” He took his chic Diesel rucksack and put it next to my bed before he started to jump onto my bed like a five-year-old kid. At first it was a one-time attempt but it quickly escalated by the seconds into a repetitive nuisance!

The squeaking sound of the bed springs was further amplified by how annoyed I already was and it begun to get to me. I could feel the small muscles at the corners of my eyes twitch every time the loud sound invaded the silence. He probably considered it to be some sort of a sport to irritate other people, so he kept on jumping like I wasn’t even present in this same room. After about five minutes, he made no attempt to stop, as if it was his own godforsaken bed. How isn’t he tired already? My bed is not a fucking trampoline, sorry to disappoint! Deep down I'm praying that he will jump so high his head would bump so hard against the ceiling.

That should do the trick. That would surely knock some sense into him. I crossed my fingers further hoping that my prayers would be granted from the heavens above. He was really getting on my nerves, jumping away like a hyperactive kid totally high on sugar. All I wanted to do was to focus on finishing my homework, as listed neatly by Amanda. History essay, some Biology notes and also a Sociology essay.

Oh… my… God! I’m trying to study here! Some quiet would be greatly appreciated! I rolled my eyes as the words screamed inside my mind. I turned around and shot him a long, menacing and cold glare. I'm positive that if my slicing glare could kill, he would've been dead instantly and silence will reign onto the world once more! The annoying part was when he didn’t even realize it at first but then soon stopped jumping once he got the message. He gave me the innocent doe eyes look as his choice of counter-attack, as if that would make him any less annoying. Bitch please!

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