Chapter 18: The Queen of Ignorance

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     Why am I here in the principal’s office again? This isn’t really my first time being called here but I don’t give two shits about that. I’m a bad girl, I know that but I ain’t that stupid. I’ve never done anything too awful in school before or got caught red-handed afterwards; I’m too proficient for that! I am also neither anorexic nor am I doing drugs. Smoking? Hell no! Please!

I’m far too precious to waste my time here in this dump of an office. I have so much more awesome fun things to do rather than hanging out cluelessly, in here of all places. Besides, where the hell are my girls? Why aren’t they here too? I thought they would be called in as well so yeah my assumption was wrong after all. Have I done something against the school rules or something? I believe not! Wow seriously, this is going to be a complete and total bore then.

I wish I could just sit down and wait for this torture to end but the sofas are just too disgusting for my taste. I bet there’s chewing gum stuck between the seats and other germs infesting on them, so hell no I'm going to risk my health for it!  Besides, the old man could at least cheer up the room somehow, no wonder he’s so depressed all the time.

       I glanced at my flawless fingernails instead. They were manicured to perfection yesterday after school with my girls at the grand mall. I chose the sexy lipstick rouge colour and I decided the girls could go away with the lame pink instead. I'm so not in the mood to confront him in the first place thus avoiding his annoying glare is like a God-given skill I picked up on my own. Plus I have done nothing wrong here, so he ain’t got any valid reason to hold me up here. He wouldn’t even dare anyways! He’s fully aware that my Papi’s the President of the PTA, and Papi’s the one who gave him the current job as principal a few years back so he owed me more than he could even imagine. I’ve had enough of the waiting! I stood up and walked up to his desk, my feet stomping the floor.

   “What now, Mr. Vandrick? I got a class soon. Why would you waste my time here if you’re not even telling me the reason why?” I snapped at him as I slammed both hands on his desk until the water bottle, his Dell laptop, stack of files and his golden name plaque trembled from the sudden aggression. I don’t have to show him who's the boss here. It's common sense and well implied! I own his sorry ass!

“Calm down, Miss Solis. All in good time. And would you please call me Principal like the rest of the school?” He snorted in reply. He turns slightly irritated and that's what I've been aiming for since I arrived more than fifteen minutes ago.

I am really not impressed by his immense ignorance to give me the respect I deserved. I could easily have him fired, but where’s the fun in that? Besides, I need Freddy by my side after Connor's stupid decision to ditch popularity and hang out with the freaking losers. So yeah, I'm brilliant enough to know sacking his dad would probably be a really bad move. I need more alliance, not enemies.

Anyways my main focus is that I’ll do anything to reclaim what’s rightfully mine. Connor is probably confused as hell right now, which is why it's the perfect timing for me to intervene and save him from further falling out of grace. I will have him begging back to the straight ways and not dragged on by that disgusting ideology being spread around by that pathetic Asian freak. I know far too well that Connor doesn’t like that faggoty piece of shit, not even one bit. He just pitied the boy, that’s all. So it's my job to snatch him back for old times' sake. Connor's just too priceless to be lost for such silly so-called ‘coming-out’ high school drama!

    “Yeah sure, whatever. I’ll give you five more minutes. Then I’m outta here, comprende Mr. Vandrick?” I am intentionally ignoring his request to be called Principal. Huh, he wishes! I can call him whatever I please and that’s final. I flipped my gorgeous shiny black hair back and then crossed my arms, huffing loudly with the fact that I’m detained here against my will. He squirmed in his seat, but made no immediate response to return back with a snappy comeback so I smiled inwardly with satisfaction. He held the irritation to himself which made me giggle under my breath so he couldn’t hear it. Adults can be so boring! Like get a freaking life! Can someone please get me out of here?

PLAIN and PROUD: Book 1 (BxB n LGBT)Where stories live. Discover now