Chapter 8: The Prince and The Bitch

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Alain didn’t reply any of my texts today. We were supposed to meet up at our secret hang out spot by the oak tree like usual. I checked my phone thrice already and I didn’t see him anywhere in the hallway before the first period bell or during any of the periods before and after lunch break. Maybe he’s tired of teaching me? Maybe he's gotten too worried that I might speak up about us hanging out? Well should I even care? Maybe he called-in sick or something. But at least he should have the decency to reply my texts right? It’s Monday and he's already skipping school? Nope, that’s just not his style. He’s too nice for that.

“Hey babe, what are you checking out on your phone there?”  Niesta suddenly popped out of the blue and wrapped her skinny hands all around my arm. That’s why I didn’t want to give her my phone anymore because she gets super jealous of pretty much everyone that ever tried to get close to me. I'm not even allowed to text other girls without her permission first, can you believe that? Let alone having my own privacy to browse some porn on my phone. Consider that a distant long gone dream. She's just so focused on getting under my skin sometimes but that's basically Niesta Solis for you.

Last year she made a sophomore chick almost suffer from a nervous breakdown due to all the nasty threats thrown by her and the girl decided to cut her own wrist in the girl’s toilet. She was probably traumatized for life. Truth is the poor girl was just trying to teach me Spanish! Niesta could care less about that ordeal and replied that she would happily tutor me with Spanish since it's her mother tongue. Yeah right, as if I could count on her with that. My girlfriend can be super scary and possessive most of the times but honestly I couldn’t blame her for it.

Nobody in school could deny the fact that Niesta’s crude remarks were always mean and razor sharp, they will totally cut you into half! Furthermore, they would usually be laced with the well-known venomous and condescending tone. But she had been my girlfriend for almost two years now and though it’s kind of hard to admit, I’m still in love with her despite her nasty snarky attitude. She's just being herself; like her own sort of blueprint for being the only Queen Bee around.

Thankfully, she still has no clue that I’m seeing Alain right under her nose. Let’s just hope it’ll stay that way because I've been super cautious so far not to give her my phone and I have been deleting the text messages from Alain on the same day, just in case. She would be freaking mad if she found out that’s for sure. I’m not supposed to hang out with someone like Alain, well that’s according to her anyways. Her two faithful cheerleader besties were always by her side, swooning over me. Her grasp around my arm was undeniably a bit too desperate and attention-seeking, probably claiming myself as her own property. I am indeed her King as we both tried to rule the school alongside my best buddy Freddy.

Then, she gave me a quick peck on the cheek. She had to stand on her toes to reach up to my face and to my height which was simply adorable. I love it when she's not being her usual bitchy facade because I know deep down this girl is just a plain old sweetheart that I fall for back in freshman year. She was just relishing by the pleasure in hurting others so she can keep up with her status, I guess. I just played along I suppose, not really involved in her methods towards owning the highest rank on the school social kingdom.

Anyway, she’s been nothing but super cool and lovely with me. Well I suppose maybe just towards me and Freddy. But I couldn’t really complain about it and I really cherish her for that. Best girlfriend I could ever wish for. I was the only one allowed to see the pure, innocent persona underneath which is so far, the greatest ever because I know she can always be her true self around me.

PLAIN and PROUD: Book 1 (BxB n LGBT)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin