Chapter 11: Battleground

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I just hated gym. It’s one of the main reasons why I despised sports in general. It’s just vile, ruthless and irrevocably pointless. Yeah I must confess, I am not a big fan of getting my ass kicked every single time for the pleasure of those stupid, horrible jocks that made it their life’s calling to torment the less active students. Well excuse me for being lame! Truth is truth anyway you put it. Indeed, I am proud to say that I am one of the sane few who actually hated it with all my guts. Nope cross that, make it with my all my heart.

I would love to abolish any unnecessary sporting activities that may hurt or injure the students from the national curriculum system but that would probably be too much to ask especially when you were the only one fighting for it. Nike would rather bombard us with their fit and active 'Impossible is Nothing' cliché but everyone knows that not every single one of us was born an athlete. Besides, gym is simply too inhumane and idiotic for the general good. Well mark my words then, nothing seemed impossible anymore. Though this would be the least on my ‘Worries List’, as if there weren’t already a lot to deal with. All I wanted is a better education system that would focus solely on the academics and other non-sports related achievements. Starting with this pathetic school. These silly coaches were just wasting their time being paid by parents only to torment students to achieve their athletic limits.

I mean what’s the point of all this? I really hate being all sweaty, breathless and aching my entire body for no apparent purpose only because it’s part of the school requirements.

“I hate gym too. Just so you know, you’re not alone in this. It’s just an insane way to make us students look ridiculously competitive against each other.” Amanda puts her hands on my shoulders, giving me some much needed support. I love her and her whimsical ways of stating the obvious. I huffed then quickly smiled at her as we entered the gym hall together. We were wearing our awkward white tees and stupid red shorts and our silly sport shoes. It’s the same attire for everyone which for someone like me, was terribly degrading. I was completely stripped off my rights from not wanting to be included in the deplorable gym period altogether so my complaints meant nothing.

        We're so not ready for the eminent torture that we have to endure for the next period. I rolled my eyes and sighed, as if mentally preparing myself but to no avail. She removed her fake yet smart-looking pair of glasses and put them in a small box before stashing them inside her cute orange bag with the Miu Miu signature stamped all over it. We stored our stuff by the side lockers on the wall. Audrey wasn’t joining us; on the contrary, she’s practicing with her teammates in another gym hall right now. She was a full-fledged champion high school wrestler. Her coach kept telling her that she’s going to make the school really proud in the sectionals soon. We Angels are so proud of our Audrey. That girl could work wonders with her superhuman strength!

She had been a promising athlete ever since her school days in Amsterdam, which was absolutely amazing considering her intellectual level was pretty average, only rather acceptable. We would totally help out in that department and I couldn’t be any more proud of my big friend. She was just beyond expectations and so far, she’s never ceased to amaze me.

At least I’m no longer alone. I also have Amanda by my side. So far the past few years in high school have proven that I’ve only passed enough points for my gym classes to get by and not repeating a year. But at least I covered this seemingly preposterous requirement with my excellence in excellent intellectual pursuit. I was starting to accept that Amanda could be quite a powerful competitor at that.

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