Chapter 13: Douche by the Tree

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Alain's POV

Gummy meowed to me and I could only sigh back to him.

I caressed his soft flawless fur and in return, he purred with absolute contentment on my lap. What happened back in the infirmary room was absolutely disastrous. What he did to me was unspeakable, it’s beyond pardon. Well I’m fully aware that I'm not the Pope but I knew what he did was terrible and selfish. I couldn’t deny myself that inside, I’m still a really fragile soul. I’m trying to coat my ugly, inner side with a fake bravado that will eventually eat me out alive. I’m becoming more and more of a lost cause. I didn’t know what I was yearning for anymore. He made me feel so inferior once again, because being a supposed valedictorian I should have known that the sudden rise to infamy will bring nothing but more harm than good.

The other horrible news was rather intriguing, even if it concerns my health. I’m prepared for the worst, yeah right. That’s just the silly me talking. I’m scared shitless! A syndrome and a disease are two things of the same nature. If it's true then I'm practically screwed for my life, especially as I get older as the symptoms will worsen. Huntington's? Like what the fuck?!

            I slowly tried to collect myself when he uttered the sudden and senseless words from his sultry mouth. The expression on his gorgeous face was unwavering but I couldn’t really be too certain with him. His unannounced presence made me weak to my knees and I just stood there, clueless and unreactive especially with his sensuous French vibe. I mean, what should I do? What should I say to reply back to him? I’ve never even dreamt of being in a situation like that. A boy actually asking me out to be his boyfriend? Nope, not in a million years!

           The girls were really buying it and I can bet that the three of them were all awe-struck by his sudden confession of infatuation. Then, when the silence ruled out the awkwardness he stepped forward and held my hands with such a gentle and delicate manner, as if my hands are made of an authentic yet delicate fabric from the ancient Hwang Ho civilization. I wanted to pull them away from the slow touch of his fingers but I was slightly enticed, my mind went into a standstill and went with the flow.

I felt like I just want to faint once more and never to wake up again. Yes, to be comatose seems rather more inviting than being in an uncomfortable situation like that. I will be sleeping in peace until all of these are resolved by the mighty Time. Is he trying to play around with my obvious interest in him? Toying around with other people’s heart is a huge sin but he’ll be an awesome devil anyways, absolutely sexy in his own French ways. I shook my head a few times in a mix of both annoyance and longing, pushing the much more sinful kinky thoughts as far away as possible. My brain was obviously not built to be consumed and engrossed with all such teenage dramas and puppy love.

      Yet I couldn’t help but let out a forced laugh because it seemed like a meticulously planned prank and it sounded so random but again, being the awkward me I sounded more or less like a choked hen. A terribly humiliated hen. It’s like a curse, I tend to make things worse and he didn’t want to let go of my hands. I quickly glanced at Connor and he looked really annoyed with this display of affection. He might’ve said countless times that he’s totally cool with gay people and our ways but he sure seems disgusted by it. He clenched his teeth hard and he took some deep, not-so-loud breaths like a bull aiming his long piercing horns at the matador. Wait, am I missing something here? Is he jealous? Oh never mind. I really need to set my own limits for my wishful thinking.

Oh, the fact remains of how much I wish I would still be unconscious on the bed and Keith’s stunning grey eyes made direct contact with mine. I am in deep shit. I know I'm helplessly trapped. I couldn’t escape from his alluring gaze, clearly hinting that he wanted me to say something. The expectant gasps from the girls weren’t helping either. Shit, shit, shit and a hell load of shit! Curse word kept resonating in my seemingly dysfunctional brain at that very moment.

PLAIN and PROUD: Book 1 (BxB n LGBT)Where stories live. Discover now