Page 19

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I didn’t want them to see me like this; completely run down, but what could I do? I had no energy; no strength. If it weren’t for Kotetsu and Izumo I would be completely defenseless.

“Kitto-san?” Sakura probably said that a hundred times a day. It’s like she can’t speak without that being said. I guess I don’t have to worry about being jinxed.

I turned my head on Kotetsu’s shoulder and opened my eyes for the first time, blinking blurrily at Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi. I took one look at Kakashi and buried my face in Kotetsu’s neck again. I really didn’t feel the same about him as I used to. I didn’t have a “crush” on him and I didn’t love him as anything more than a close friend. However, he put me into a very odd mindset that made me want to be better, but I couldn’t.

“I thought you did really well Kit-chan.” Naruto told me, sounding closer.

“Kotetsu, do you mind if I have a word with her?” Kakashi asked, making me draw into a ball and Kotetsu go into protective-big-brother mode.

“I don’t know what you did, but I don’t think she wants you around right now.” Kotetsu growled at him.

“Nonsense,” Kakashi said and stepped closer.

Kotetsu drew a kunai and I moved away to stop him. “Go get something to eat Kotetsu. I can feel your stomach growling.” I told him weakly.

“Are you sure?” He asked, returning his attention to me. I only nodded. “Alright.” He mumbled and kissed my forehead before walking out with Izumo.

“Could I talk to Kakashi in private please?” I asked Naruto and Sakura, knowing Sasuke didn’t really care. “Tell the guard you’re allowed back in when we’re done.” They nodded and left the room.

I sighed, not really knowing how much of what I should tell Kakashi. He sat down on the edge of my bed, where Kotetsu had previously been.

“Naruto was right. You did very well against Kasai’s genjutsu. Most people wouldn’t have lasted that long.” He told me, but I didn’t want to talk about the fight.

“She pressed every button I have Kakashi, even at the end. If she hadn’t said what she did…if she hadn’t brought that up and betrayed all trust I had for her I never would have won.” I said and rubbed the tears out of my eyes.

“What did she say?” Kakashi asked. I glanced up at him and then back down to my hands. I drew my right leg up to my chest and hugged it, leaving the left alone.

“Well, when we were younger…before I left I mean. I…from the time I was three until I left I had…well, I had a painfully huge crush on you. She assumed that crossed over to now but it doesn’t. The point is she was my friend and she isn’t supposed to use things like that against me.” I blushed madly and looked away, not daring to meet his eyes.

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