
535 38 4

Wednesday, March 30


It was almost 9pm. That's what time the bakery closed. Elijah continued to speed walk, splashing in puddles along the way as the rain soaked him. He had no business running around outside of the palace without any protection. He was just so angry with his parents, he had to get away for a while. No one would recognize him though. It was so cold outside, he was practically covered from head to toe with the wool garments his servants provided for him.

The time was now 8:56pm and he was just arriving at the almost closed delicacy shop. His mouth watered at the sight and smell of the warm bread and pastries that sat amongst the countertops. There weren't very many left, almost none, but Elijah was determined to eat what he could. Most Royals utterly despised village food. They swore that it was disgusting because it was made by the hands of the "untrained poor." The ones who didn't work at the palace. Elijah, however, simply adored it. It tasted different to him, but in a good way. The food in his kingdom was too. . . fancy for him. They had such fancy, four and five word terms for the simplest dishes. He craved for some normalcy. He yearned to be normal for at least a day, an hour even. He'd give anything to have someone take his place as the soon-to-be king.

"Good evening, sir. How may I assist you?" He was broken from his thoughts by the baker himself.

"Um yes. May I have a loaf of bread and a few of those pastries please?" As Elijah paid the man for his service and was handed the bag of food, he was startled by another being running through the door. Just his luck, it was 8:59.

"I need. . . A loaf of bread. . .please." The young man said completely out of breath.

"Sorry Michael. We're all out." The boy, Michael's, face immediately fell as his stomach growled loudly. He shuffled sadly out of the bakery and began to walk down the pathway back to the small cottage-like home he shared with his mother and younger sister. Elijah followed behind him, careful not to be seen. For some reason, he felt compelled to help the boy. He had no idea why, but it was like some sort of magnetic force was pulling him towards the house.

When they finally arrived, Elijah ran to hide behind a nearby tree while Michael pulled out a small metal key, unlocked his door, and went into his house. Elijah looked to see if the coast was clear before moving slowly towards the house. He looked down at his treats once more and sighed before setting them down on the doorstep. He knocked on the door lightly before running to his previous location behind the tree. He watched as the door swung open and there stood the beautiful chocolate boy. He looked around to see the culprit who knocked but found no one. He went to shut the door, but looked down to see the food sitting on his porch. He looked around again, still seeing no one, and picked up the food carrying it into the house to his family.

Elijah smiled to himself as he turned to walk away from the house and back to his palace, Micheal weighing heavily on his mind.

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Forever Yours | Milijah
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