(14) Plan 180º

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One Week Later


I lied in bed thinking of what just happened. Did I rush it? Did I tell him my feelings? Will he ever fuck me? Will I ever pleasure him? Will he want me? Does he really care? Will he really help? Will he love me? Will he pleasure me? Will we do things? Its been a week, and we haven't spoken much. Does he hate me? Does he want me gone? These thoughts ran through my head. I could answer one of them. He did care about me, but how much... that is the sad part. 

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew my alarm was blaring me awake. I groaned and turned it off quickly and got dressed. I got into some tight blue jeans with a plain red shirt. I put on my red hightop converse. I put on me Irish hat after I fixed my hair and put on all of my bracelets. I check myself in the mirror before opening the door and running into a warm, cologne smelling chest.

"H-Hi. Good morning." I said blushing.

"Good morning to you too Jack. I was just about to get you up for some breakfast. Does coffee and pancakes sound good?" Mark asked me.

"Sounds great!" I said jumping beside him as we made our way to the stairs. "Did you sleep well? I asked.

"Um... yes I did." He said, but he mumbled something else Jack couldn't hear.

"I'm glad you did!" You said giggling. "Thanks for breakfast!" I said as we got to the kitchen. 

"No problem. Now let me get Chica's food. Chica!" He said as he handed me my plate. I was walking towards the table when, again, a big fluffy yellow dog came running towards me. It ran past me, but hit the side of my leg causing my to fall and my plate and food along with me. My back hit the floor and my plate hit the ground with a crash. I groaned in pain and Mark immediately came to my side. "Oh God! Jack! Are you okay?! Let me help you up out of the glass." Mark said. He tried to help me up my glass was in my back, so it really hurt. He must have noticed because he picked me up bridal style and took me to his bathroom. He lied me down on his bed and went to the bathroom. "Jack.. baby... I'm sorry..." Mark said.

"Did-" I groaned. "Did you just call me baby?" I asked him. He blushed and lifted my shirt up to take the glass out of my skin.

"The wounds are not that bad, but it may hurt today during school. Will you be okay?" He asked me. I knew he was genuinely concerned about me.

"I- I don't know. I'll try, but I may be late to your class." I said. "Because I know the pain medication will wear off by your class." He nodded and we made up a little plan, but what I didn't know was that that plan was going to take a total 180º turn. 


Time Skip Brought To You By: TheOtakuEmoUnicorn (After Marks Class)


When I got to Marks class, I was , in fact, late. By only 2 minutes, but I got a mini lecture. I knew he didn't mean it, but we had to seem normal, so... yeah. After school I walked for five minutes and waited for Mark to pick me up under my usual spot. I heard voices and pulled my hoodie up trying to hide my face. I recognized the voices, they were my best friends.

"Jack!" Felix yelled.

"That him?" I heard Bob say.

"Guys, leave the poor guy alone, he is trying to sleep. It clearly is not Jack." Wade said.

"Fine." Felix said. "But I am so not going to eat some sugar cookies from the Séans' favorite restaurant..." Felix said.

 I knew he was trying to temp me, but I would not have it. Soon after that Felix gave up and left with my friends. I sighed and as Marks car pulled up, I smiled and grabbed my stuff. I got up slowly making sure I didn't hurt my cuts, and climbed in his car. I gave my stuff to him, and I sat down wincing as I shut the door. We drove to his house and he carried my things in. 

He said, and I quote "I care to much to see you hurt, so I am going to help you. Don't carry things over 20 pounds. Do not try to reach for things I will get them. Lets let your rest. Coffee?" I said yes, but still he's like my dad now. He is really over protective. I wonder why my friends were looking for me.... wait.... SHIT! I haven't contacted them in weeks! Oh they must be so pissed and worried. I have to see them soon.

 I was doing my math homework with Mark when the door bell rang. I was happy because he said I was getting a lot better and my mental math skills are growing too. I went to the door to answer it. Its probably Miss. Sheppey. She is the older lady who lives next to Mark. I found out her name after I helped her bring more of her stuff the the trash can by the cirb. 

"Hello Miss... Guys?" I said surprised.

"JACK!!!!!" They all said jumping on me to give hugs. We fell over on the floor and I landed on my back.

"FUCKING SHITE MY BACK!" I practically screamed. Damn it... my healing skin got torn... "MARK!!!" I yelled.

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