(5) Greatest Luck

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When I got home I did another video. It got more views and comments this time. I got over 1200 dollars from people donating it to me. But all this money wouldn't come for a week. I got all my earnings at the end of the month. I nock interrupted my cleaning. I went and opened the door, and there was my landlord. He looked pissed at me.

"Hello landlord." I said.

"Séan... you said you would keep your moaning down! There are children in this building! People signed a petition and they want you out. Now. You've been evicted. Also here is the money for this months rent that you paid. You have until tomorrow to be completely gone." And with that he left.

 I closed the door and started crying... now I have no home, and I would never get the money from my videos to pay for another place. I'm done for. I was still crying ass I packed as much of my things into a suit case I had. I put all my recording equipment in my backpack, and my small old, and run down computer would just sit there. I logged out of all my things and wrote down all the passwords on a sheet of paper. I put the money he gave me in my wallet, and left my key in the room. It was dark outside, I would only be able to afford a hotel room for tonight, and two more days at the most. I got out a one I had in my wallet and searched for Marks number. The phone I had, was not mine, but the landlords, so I also wiped all my info off of that phone. I didn't have anyones phone number memorized except Marks, which he wrote down for me. I found the paper and went up to a phone booth. I inserted my only dollar bill, and inserted the number.

"Hello? Who is this?" A voice from the other side of the phone said. Mark.

"Hey... Mark.. it is me Jack. I got kicked out from my apartment... I need a place to stay for tonight." I said trying to hold in tears. He is my only option. My only hope.

"Oh Jack yes! Of course. I'll come and pick you up where are you!?" He said frantically. I could tell he was slipping clothes on from the sound of it in the phone.

"I am on... 26th Septic Avenue." I said. "Please hurry..." I whispered hoping he couldn't hear me.

"I'm coming Jack. Just stay there. I'll protect you. I-" Than the phone cut off.

"INSERT 25¢ FOR ANOTHER MINUTE" The machine said. 

I cursed under my breath. I put the phone back on the holder and stepped out with my luggage and wait for him. It was freezing outside, and since I didn't have a jacket, it was extra cold. It was only about five minutes, but I was freezing my ass off and shivering from the cold. A car pulled up and I smiled. The car came to a stop and the drivers side door opened. 

There was Mark, with an extra jacket. He was bundled up tightly. He ran up to me and handed me the coat and his scarf, which smelled like his cologne. It was heaven for my sense of smell. He grabbed my luggage and my backpack and put it in the truck on his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I hopped in. He closed it and came around to the drivers side. He opened it up and sat down in the drivers seat. He closed the door and turned the heat up.

"You okay Jackaboy?" He said. I nodded holding back tears. He leaned over and hugged me. I hugged him back, and cried softly in his shoulder. 

"I am now." I whispered to him. I felt him smile against my neck, and the heat radiating off of his body warmed me up. He pulled away and began driving towards his place. He handed me a tissue and I loudly blew my nose. It was red and cold. I closed my eyes and accepted the warmth the jacket and scarf brought to me. Soon we were home... I mean I was at his house... Hahaha...

He pulled the car into his drive way and into his garage. He shut the garage behind the car. He shut off his car. We both opened our doors and got out. He went to go get me luggage as I absentmindedly looked around his garage.

"Okay Jack. Ready to go inside?" Mark asked me. I nodded and he slung my backpack over his shoulder. He opened up the garage door and he told we to walk in first. I heard the sound of nails hitting wood, and soon a big, fluffy, yellow things came running towards me. Before I had a chance to respond it ran right into me causing me to fall down and the things started licking me. I fell on Mark and I was straddling him by accident. 

"Haha doggie get off'a me. Hahaha! Hello cutie! Hi! Haha stop licking me.... hahah!" I was laughing so much. I felt hands on my waist and the dog stopped and sat down on Marks legs waging its tail. I turned around and smiled at Mark. He blushed and the grip on my waist were tighter. I blushed, and got off of my teacher.

"Time with you is going to be fun." I said smiling at him. I pulled him up after I got the dog off of him and we laughed until our sides hurt.

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