" How many of you today got in an argument with an alpha that you've known for your whole life and are friends or an alpha that you recently met and became friends with?" Almost half of the hands went up including my four boys and the two who argued over the apple color.

" Okay hands down. How many of you got into an argument because you and an alpha don't get along and never have?" Another quarter of the room raise their hands and my boys hand went up again.

" Alright hands down, how many of you got into arguments with Alphas that you barely know their names but saw other alphas arguing and it got you worked up?" More hands went up.

" Very well hands down. How many of you didn't get into an argument but just watched or encouraged it?" The rest of the hands went up.

I sighed and took another sip of water. I walked around the table in a circle before stoping behind my four boys. I twisted all of their ears and walked up to the podium up front.

"What the hell?" All four of them yelled

" I did that because I know you four and you guys started it by arguing with each other."

" She's not wrong." Eraz said

" I'm never wrong."

" True." Amos countered

The door opened and 7 messengers came in wielding fifty alphas. Those alphas filled in around the room dude to the fact the seats were taken up. I nodded to the messengers as they filled out.

" Alright. Here's how things will play out for now on. You men will have to get along I don't care if someone calls you a flower or a pup. We are now a family whether or not you like it. We have to have each other's back now.

" All of you who have been friends or are friends now, GROW THE FUCK UP. This is the time when you will need the friendships and brotherhoods the most right now. We're about to go war and how would you feel if the last conversation you have with the man you've know since you were in diapers was an argument. The men here who are brothers, it doesn't matter if you hate them with a passion because they've done something or said something you will miss them when and if you lose them. I know this from a personal point of view cause even if I didn't loose my sister completely it still felt like it. When I couldn't call her cause I realized she was gone to me. I was no longer the girl that was her sister but now the alpha who ran because she got rejected.

" those of you who hate each other, GET THE FUCK OVER IT. During this war you might have a gun to your head or claws to your throat and you going to wish for some to save you and guess what they might not do it cause you have a feuds with each other. These feuds and grudges you have are some of the stupidest thing ever! Half of them are over small things that don't even matter or misunderstandings. These stupid thing could make you loose your life, leave you mate without you and your pack would be abandoned.

"Those of you who just started a fight to start one , are HUGE ASSHOLES who need to GET OVER THEMSELVES! You men are alphas who are supposed to be able to stop fights like this, talk things out and be fucking leaders. I hate to make this sound like high school or a bloody summer camp but you are going to make friendships and partnership that can't be made anywhere else. Cherish these times, even though we are at war, it's not every that that almost 100 alphas are in the same room at a time with even more on their ways. These are the times where you learn on the true value of the people you don't know yet and the lessons they can teach you and you can teach them."

" finally for those of you who encouraged the fights, Get the HELL OUT OF MIDDLE SCHOOL! You are leaders not school children who laugh at the words boob and penis. And if you are these school children I want you the fuck off my property and my side before you do something stupid. I know for a fact that those of you that said you did would punish you pack members for starting a fight for no apparent reason. We are Alphas not immature children!"

Just as the last word got out of my mouth another contraction hit marking another fifty minutes. I had the same reaction and my grip broke the podium. I looked down at the watch in my writs seeing that it had actually been over sixty minutes since my last contraction.

" What the fuck do I keep breaking wooden things and why the hell are they getting farther apart?" My hands run through my hair as I stair at my stomach before yelling.
" Get the fuck out of me." The alphas that came in looked really confused

" For those of you who came in halfway through this meeting I'm currently in labor. And the whole wood thing is because I broke the end of the table a while back." I walked form the podium and took a seat in my chair. I lay my head back and tell Vince to let the doctor that the contractions are taking longer.

Me and the alphas kept talking for a few more hours with my contractions marking every hour and I couldn't help but feel like these next few days we're going to be very long.

The Rejected Always Return (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now