Chapter 2

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Louis’s POV

               “Bye boys! We’ll be back in a few!” I hear Liam hollering from downstairs. I just roll over and smash my pillow on my face. God what time was it? I felt like I’d just gotten hit by a truck, it must’ve been the beer from last night. I roll over reluctantly looking at my clock. 11:48. Ugh. I slowly ease myself out of bed, careful not to give myself a head rush. Heading towards the bathroom I can hear the other lads starting to wake up. I take a quick shower to wake me up before going back to my room. I throw on my favorite Leed’s t-shirt and a pair of running shorts before going downstairs. I’m the first one down and it looks like Holly’s made us some pancakes. Yes! I grab a couple off the plate she left for us and stick them in the microwave. The microwave beeps, signaling that my pancakes are done. I sat down at the table with them when I hear someone bolting down the stairs. I turn around to see Niall making a beeline for the pancakes.

               “Whoa, come down there Niall. The pancakes aren’t going anywhere.” I joke. He sticks his tongue out at me and then puts his pancakes in the microwave.

               “I just didn’t want you guys to eat them all before I had one!” I glance around the room.

               “Well don’t worry. Looks like you managed to beat everyone else down here.” I laugh, “So where do you think Liam and Holly went off to?” Niall looks at me surprised.

               “Wait she stayed over last night? I don’t remember that.” He looks confused.

               “Probably because you were drunk as shit last night. Yeah Liam didn’t want her driving home so she stayed here.”

               “Oh well then I don’t know. Maybe they went shopping or something?” he suggests.

               “I doubt it. It isn’t even noon yet!” Harry responds as he saunters down the stairs. “Morning lads, not to barge in on this conversation but why does it really matter?” He asks reaching for the pancakes.

               “Well it doesn’t I suppose, I was just curious.” I say defensively.

               “Hey, hey no need to get testy there Lou it was just a question.” The three of us sit at the table in silence, munching on pancakes. Suddenly my phone vibrates loudly against the table.

               Hey I figured you’d be the first one up. Can you make sure the lads are all awake and dressed? (that goes for you harry). Holly’s friend is coming over. We should be home in 10.

               “Who’s that?” Niall asks. Harry leans over reading the text.

               “Hey… I am dressed!” he says indignantly. I laugh.

               “I don’t think boxers are a sufficient outfit. You should at least put pants on.” Niall laughs along with me as Harry gets up from the table.

               “Fine. Oh well good morning sunshine! Nice of you to join us.” He says passing Zayn on the stairs.

               “What?” You can tell he’s still half asleep by the way his eyes are half closed.

               “Oh nothing Harry’s just going to put some clothes on.”

               “Well that’s new, what’s the occasion?” he says, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

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