Chapter 8 ~ Beautiful Sights

Start from the beginning

   "I accidentally took your phone last night," he says, giving her her phone and walking out the door. Lindsey looks at me in shock.

   "So. That just happened," I say. Lindsey looks like a deer in headlights. After a minute she literally passes out. I sigh and go get a glass of water to dump on her. I make sure it's ice cold and then dump it on her face.

   "What the heck was that for?" she yells, jumping up. I snicker.

   "Harry kissed you and you passed out. I had to get you up somehow." Lindsey just glares at me and gets up to go change out of her now wet pajamas. I laugh and go to grab my phone from the nightstand. It's not there. Oh right. I slept in my clothes and my phone was in my pocket. I sigh and start digging through the sheets to find my phone. It doesn't take me long to find it, and when I do I see that I have a text from Niall. Last night was fun ;) we should do it again sometime :) 

   "Don't you dare call him," I hear Lindsey say. I look up and she's standing in my doorway. "I'm watching you."

   "You're insane," I tell her. She grins and prances away.

   "I know I am!"

   I get out of bed and decide to make myself look presentable. We're going sightseeing with everybody today, so it will probably involve lots of pictures. I put on white shorts that show off my tan legs and a light blue blazer. I put my hair up in a ponytail and curl it to make it look like I didn't just get up and do the easiest thing I could with my hair.

   Half an hour later, we're on our way to the Empire State Building. Louis and Eleanor are riding with me, Niall, and Lindsey, and it's kind of awkward for the first few minutes. None of us know what to talk about, so we just sit and try not to make eye contact with anyone. Louis is kind of grumpy because he's a little hungover, but after a while, he brings up last night.

   "So I don't remember much of last night, but you guys made out, right?" he asks me and Niall. Lindsey snickers and I just nod. "You guys should be thankful I initiated that. I don't know if it would have happened if it weren't for me."

   "Thank you, Louis," Niall and I say sarcastically in unison.

   "Jinx!" I yell. I count to ten before Niall can say stop. "HA! You can't talk until I say your name!"

   "I thought when you jinxed someone they just owed you a soda," Eleanor says.

   "Would you rather just owe me a soda?" I ask Niall. He nods. "Okay I guess you can talk, Niall."

   The rest of the afternoon is a blast. When we get to the top of the Empire State Building we all take pictures and are all tourist-y. I guess none of these guys have really had time to go sightseeing while they've been here, so it's everyone's first time here except for me. I came to NYC when I was eight. When we visit the Statue of Liberty, the guys are amazed by how big it is.

   "I always knew it was big, but I didn't think it was that big," Harry says. I almost say 'that's what she said' but I don't know if British people say that, so I just keep my mouth shut.

   When we're back at the hotel after seeing a bunch of different places, the guys ask what we want to do for dinner. No one really knows what they want, so we decide to just order room service.

   "Elissa, grab your shoes," Niall says. I look at him, confused. "I'm taking you out to dinner."


   "I owe you a soda, don't I?"

   "Well, yeah, I guess, but you don't owe me a whole dinner," I say, surprised he even remembered getting jinxed.

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