"I'm glad I finally managed to see you before you start avoiding me." I almost choked on the food when he said that. So he figured out that I'm only avoiding him without any bad assumptions.

"I prefer calling it 'Alone time'" I said.

"I guess you should leave your 'Alone time' for now" Mortimer chuckled. Is he suggesting or he has something planned for today?

"Why?" I asked him. Will it be another conflict? I hope not, I got enough of it already. But Mortimer has other plans on his mind.

"Well, I kinda planned to take you to the shopping center back on land, since I know you don't have many clothes for the year. But since you want to spend your 'Alone time ' I can take some time later" Mortimer suggested. He knew that I needed clothes. So he decided to make it a date.

"Sure, but when exactly are you planning to take me ?" I asked him. Even though it's supposed to be a date. I kinda need some clothes. So it doesn't matter if it is a date, as long as I get some clothes and a strawberry ice cream.

"At noon," He said, he frowned a bit because I dulled his reaction. After I ate my breakfast I put the dirty dish in the sink and went to my room so I could prepare for the shopping trip. I brushed my hair so I can get rid of some of the tangles. Decided that I want to dress up more nicely, so I put on my black skinny jeans, a nice blue t-shirt and black flats. I decided to put on a little make-up, so I can look more presentable.

And no I don't want to surprise Mortimer, I just don't really like human judgment . Then I heard my phone buzzing and my phone was on the bedside so I decided to check it.

Jake: How are you? Sorry, I haven't spoken to you for a week, I was spending my time with my soulmate.

Me: I'm fine, and right it's my turn to spend time with my soulmate. So I'll text you later?

Then I heard a knock on the door, I quickly put my phone in my bag and grabbed a sweater just in case. I opened the door and I saw Mortimer, dressed nicely.

"I guess you are ready? So shall we go?" He offered his hand, I hesitated a bit so I reached his hand until he gently grabbed my hand and kissed it. I blushed and we made our way to the port. He smirked at my blushing face.

"There could be more dates if you haven't avoided me, " Mortimer teased me.

"Hmm, true. But I'm not a fan of going on dates" I answered. Well, I haven't dated anyone, because I preferred studying and hanging out with Kelly. But at least I can say that Mortimer didn't steal my first kiss.

"Well, I will make sure that you won't regret going with me ." Mortimer grinned. I have to admit that sometimes Mortimer can be assertive, but if I look at his point of view. He waited for a mate for a few years, until he found someone who wanted to reject him. But if I manage to hold on for a year, I can reject him fair and square.

After the long boat ride, we finally reached the shore of Portugal. So we took a taxi to get to the shopping center. After we got off the taxi we entered the shopping center. It's kinda big, so I decided to grab a map of the shopping center. So I can search for my favorite stores. In the store, I chose a few shirts and pants that I liked. But when we went to the clerk and I wanted to pay, Mortimer stopped me.

"Don't worry, I will pay for you. " Mortimer smiled at me. And paid with his credit card.

"B-but you didn't have to do that, I could have b-" I tried to say, but Mortimer stopped me.

"Alice, for us men it's considered low if a man does not support their soulmate's needs financially," Mortimer said. Well, it's true but I could have paid for myself. And sometimes I don't really like when a man pays for a woman when she can afford it. After some shopping, we decided to take a break and go somewhere to eat. Then the waitress came to us and asked what we wanted.

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