I've Got What I Wanted. Part 13

Start from the beginning

“I don’t need any presents as long as I have you.” I pulled away and looked at him.

“What a line,” I said with a laugh.

“I thought it would be cheesy enough for you.” I rolled my eyes at him, but had to smile. I was about to press my lips to his, when my phone vibrated against the table. I sighed and hung my head. I stretched over Caleb and grabbed my phone. He rubbed my back as I looked at my phone. I hit decline and put it back on the table. “Who was that?” I glanced back at Caleb and smiled.

“Adam,” he nodded but tensed slightly.

“So he’s still calling and texting you them.” I smiled and nodded. I rolled off of him and sat up. “And he just ruined my fun time.” I laughed as he sat up. “If he’s pissing you off, I can always go any show him where to go.” I looked at him and smiled.

“It’s alright don’t worry. I just can’t be assed with it all.” I stood up and walked over to the wardrobe.

“Yeah I know,” I grabbed a pair of sweats from the wardrobe. “But let’s not talk about it today. Or any day to be honest.” I laughed and turned to face him.

“That’s fine by me.” I pulled on the sweats and walked over to him. “Can you make your pancakes please? You haven’t made them in a while.” He smiled placing his hands on my waist.

“Any one would think it’s your birthday.” He stood up, towering above me.

“Please?” I rubbed his chest with a smile. He chuckled before kissing my forehead.

“Only because it’s you and I love you.” Yes, I love his pancakes. “And you’ll probably not marry me if I didn’t make you them.” I laughed and pulled away from his.

“You know I’m still not used to hearing that.” I turned around and we headed downstairs.

“I know,” he said with a slight chuckle. “Every time someone says something about it, or even when I think about it, it just makes me smile. It’s just really hard to get your head around.”

“Just imagine when we actually do get married.” I said walking into the kitchen.

“It’ll be strange and something to get used to. But, and here comes a cheesy line, it’s going to be the best moment of my life.” Aw, he really is so cute. I really don’t know what I’d do without him.

“Will it be better than this?” I took the tickets and shirt out of my bag. It was the only place I knew he wouldn’t come across it. I set the envelop on top of the wrapped shirt and handed them to him. “Happy Birthday you old man,” I said kissing his cheek.

“Since when did I become an old man?” I smiled and leant against the table. “You know you didn’t have to though.” I laughed and signalled him to open the present. I looked on as he ripped the paper off of his plaid shirt. He smiled as he held up the shirt, scrunching the paper up in his right hand. “Is this because you stole my other one?” I laughed and nodded. “Thanks I love it,” he walked in front of me and gave me a quick kiss.

“Hopefully you’ll like the other one better.” He set the shirt down beside me and opened the envelop. His eyes widened as he read them.

“You’re kidding me?” He said looking up at me. I smiled and shook my head.

“I still have loads of money left from working some shifts for my mum, and I get some money from her and my grandparents sometimes. So I thought I’d get you something amazing this time. So you should see if Jim wants to go.” He furrowed his eyebrows setting the tickets on the table.

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