Chapter 8

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The world has forgotten..or...most of it's people had forgotten...

they fear their government, they fear them, they treat them like authority because they think they are royalty.

But no, they are not, wealth is not a rank, wealth is a resource, intelligence is not a rank or right to rule, it is an attribute.

capability is not something a person may have, it is something they must earn. These liars have no capability.

The people cut and rebuild themselves to match the law. But it should be the law that cuts and rebuilds itself for it's people, for it was made for the people, like the sabbath day.

The people must no fear their government, the government should fear it's people, they must know that they are mere representatives of them.

If that happens, the people finally get the world they deserve.

But then again, what do people deserve?

Maybe it is right to have people pay for their sins, they do not deserve happiness, do they? They must build their own empire, they must build their own fortress, they must get what they have and reap what they sow.

But if people are not even nice to people, just because they look different, just because they believe different, just because some think perfection is achievable and some think that money is the only thing that shows all in this world.

These people are liars, HYPOCRITES.

I am not afraid to say that even I am a hypocrite, but how about everyone else? They all talk about these quotes and all these rights and wrongs, they all think I'm trying hard or speaking my mind, making a protest but I'm not, I'll tell you what I am and what I'm doing, I'm INSANE.

No, I'm not emo, I'm not fully crazy either, I don't know if I'm addicted to power or anything else, all I know is that I think that I'm the best in the world even though I am not.

It makes me think if I'm actually god, and everyone else is just a world I made to react to me, like I already created my fate and I am to write it down.

The world walks as the beauty struts down the runway of stars.

People of this world need to know how to work as a body, as if all were all, thought the same, like one, maybe they'd all take it, but no. The world is like some warrior with many voices in his head screaming different things, wasting it's energy on things of the chosen only later to waste it.

The people of the world hate their own, they hate everything. 

I am not depressed, I simply do not care.

It is not fine, it is stupid.

What does not kill you will kill you later.

What you think is wrong is wrong and will only be right if you drowned with your secrets.

If you do not see what I see then you are better than the man next to me.

If no one objects your choice, the gods will say nay.

War has it's choices and it's choices say that the world be different.

But that's exactly it.

People do not understand, they think they are right but they are WRONG.

Those who stay in the real world are sane, if they are sane then they have no use for I or anyone like I.

a mechanical genocide.

power for the thirst of blood, the lightning spear sings and the heart has no emotions but has the most strings.

Those who thought loved you will love you until they finally find someone else to give their love, and you will be alone, it will happen at least once.

But the world isn't the world, not anymore.

The people of this world need to know that their heroes will not save them, they need to know that this world has gone into ruin. They need to know that a world of being gone is gone.

They need to know that the girl who stands on the snow is gone, and an eyeless solider stands in her place.

They need to know that the heiress as cold as ice is back with a heart of no remorse for sins.

The girl who hides who she truly is has become the queen of the wild.

The girl who aspired to be a warrior known for the sun shall burn out and rise back with more strength.

They need to know that the boy they laughed at is now a man of chaotic possibility. 

The girl once childish is now a valkyrie for the gods, waging war against other gods.

The champion who is dead shall stay dead.

The androgynous bastard shall now it's time

The man who does not understand love will knowingly turn himself into a monster, full of malice, now modified and shall rise to his maximum.

And last but not least.

Most of these people do not need peace or equity, what they need are monsters.

Monsters who will kill them and make those worthy of entering the narrow gate worthy indeed.

For no one shall push people off, no one shall make others burn, no one shall blaspheme.

The gods, all of them, have left you all, those who have not are distant.

The devil does not make you do sin, for he does not live your lives.

As for I, I wait for what happens soon....


Ash looks into the cold distance, before turning into a houndoom, and running away.

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