Quick Notice

1.9K 9 4

Chapter 11 is coming soon, although I do have a few things to say.

1) HOODAY! (Yes, that's how I want to say hooray), My very first story which reached 1K views! I think it was 1K views, like, 1.2 something, something, I don't know, but that eye thing says so, so hooray for me and thank you to all those who bothered to vote and actually like this story.

2) I'm thinking of making another fic, it's about Ash going to a region where the Pokemon are all brand new, based after Oceania/South East Asia. You guys would have to give me Pokemon suggestions though, that way I'd have a much easier time with the Pokemon (yes, that means you guys make the starters), and Pikachu betrays Ash (😶😶😱)

3) About the next chapter, don't worry about it, it's all good, and who do you think Ash should be shipped with? Or do you want Ash to not be shipped?

The Grimm unlike any other (Pokemon+RWBY crossover)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt