Bridge #2

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Note: clip is not mine

Flynt Coal of all people ran around an area full of mechanisms, there were large machines with weird functions as he ran, something was chasing him, but what?

Something leapt from steel to steel, Flynt didn't have his weapons with him, he didn't even have his hat on. He was terrified, and he did not know what he was up against, what made it worse was he couldn't see it either.

Flynt took deep breaths, looking out for the beast, he was so scared that he wasn't even thinking of escaping, which was the obvious better option.

Flynt looked at his hand, it was blue, he coughed as his clothes tore up a bit, due to gaining bulk. Something ran amongst or atop the machines, Flynt readied himself to take who or what was testing him out cold.

Flynt had discovered his power to transmutate 9 weeks ago, he had been secretly testing it out, and so far only mastered one form, the form of some blue Goliath with six arms and a long streak of black hair which reached his hips.

Flynt turned into that exact being, and before long the being dropped down in front of him.

"Wanna tango?" Flint taunts, he was inhumane.

"If I were you.." the figure was Cardin, a smirk on his face as he turned into a large tiger like beast.

"I'd reconsider the situation!" said the new beast Cardin, dammit, this guy was everywhere

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"I'd reconsider the situation!" said the new beast Cardin, dammit, this guy was everywhere.

The two ran towards each other, their fists collided with one another's as a powerful shockwave broke the floor and shattered the machines, the two began to tussle, wrestle the other to the ground, Cardin had Flynt in a bear hug, squeezing the life out of him.

Flynt suddenly turned from six arms to two, and the two arms had fire cannons which blasted straight into Cardin's feline face, Cardin let go and took steps back, holding his burnt face, only for his head to be bashed in towards a machine.

Flynt began to repeatedly punch Cardin, obviously wanting to concuss the guy, Flynt was getting the hang of this, only to be kicked off and for Cardin to get up

Cardin held his head, he was dazed, but easily recovered, only to see a charging Flynt tackle him through the machine. Flynt tried to punch Cardin again with a right hook, only for his fist to get caught and crushed.

"Ahh!" Felix roared in pain before getting stabbed to the gut by the sharp bony extensions on Cardin's fist.

Cardin dragged Felix up to the top of another damaged machine, and puts his head between his thighs. Flynt was far too dizzy to even react anymore, and the pain from his crushed fist made him lose focus.

Cardin growled before putting Felix in a piledriver position, the fight was soon to be over.

But Flynt quickly created an electric discharge, electrifying Cardin, Cardin roared in pain as the power of two electric chairs fried him.

But it did not work, Cardin quickly adapted to the pain, and squeezed the life out of Flynt before jumping off the machine and piledriving him into the already destroyed floor.

Cardin quickly got up and reverted back, as a scientist came with some sort of device, hitching it on Felix before hitching it on Cardin, the scientist activates it, and liquids appear as well as electricity, there seems to be a transfer going on as Flynt's body loses all the bulk it had, and was quickly losing body mass.

Soon enough, Flynt was turned into the innards of a full urn, his entire ability to transmutate transferred to Cardin, while his average genetically structure was stored in the device for clone use.

"Good job agent 33, you may leave" says the scientist, Cardin nods and walks away.

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