Chapter 4

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It was Sunday afternoon, it was close to night, the day was as blue as the daisy dukes Pyrrha wore to woo Jaune, Ruby decided to visit her new friend she made about a week ago (week ago week ago LOL)

As Ruby sat down near the lake, sitting down on a flat stone which her friend made.
Apparently, his name was Ash, he was a boy as old as she is and he's been mysteriously turned into a Tyrantrum, but he seems to be taking it very well.

Ruby admired his positivity, and now, she's here, sitting on a mat on a flat stone, waiting for her new bipedal friend.

And there he is...

Ash appeared, he sat down near her, not on the stone, but near her.
Ruby grabbed some squid on a stick for him, which he easily ate (he swallowed the stick too, it's not gonna be causing damage anytime soon anyway)
"You know Ash, considering the fact that you're wearing a skirt, are you the reason some Grimm are wearing clothes?" asks Ruby.
Ash felt rather insulted when she called it a skirt, "it's a kilt!" groans out Ash, she understood what he said, in her own way.
"Something tells me you're telling me it's a kilt" says Ruby, "or should I say, man dress!" says Ruby, laughing.
Ash just rolled his eyes.

Ruby enjoyed her time with Ash, and decided to put Ash's abilities to the test.
"Hey Ash, how bout a sparring match?" suggests Ruby, Ash nodded his head like a child was asked by his parents if he wanted them to buy him his favorite toy.

As they stood, Ruby, with crescent rose in hand. Ash was already ready.
Then, Ruby ran towards Ash, slashing with Crescent Rose, Ash was walking back, those were deadly
"Oh, umm....too much?" says Ruby, she didn't consider if he had any training...
But Ash smirked, he shot out a powerful ancient power. The energy embedded stones were colliding into each other.
Ruby was dodging every clashing and crashing, exploding piece of stone. She had to slash some away.
"Okay then mr. Wise guy, let's see you handle this!" says Ruby, she rushes in in such a fast speed, the crescent rose was swung in a quick manor. But Ash's instincts triggered his reflexes, and collided the move with a powerful dragon tail.

Ruby was in shock, he was good, but still an amateur. She triggered the silver eyes, not considering the consequences, she didn't even think of what she could have done.
But Ash wasn't affected, his blessing from Ho-oh, and his will to succeed was stronger than the silver eyes.
"W..what!? You're not affected!? Wait a minute, why did I use-" Ruby was asking and thinking, but was interrupted when Ash used that opportunity to strike a powerful move inside of him..outrage.

The powerful red, flame aura covered Ash, and he struck Ruby down.

The aura faded, and Ash roared in victory.
Ruby was hurt bad, but she knew Ash held back.

Ash then went close to Ruby, Ruby sighing in defeat
She hugged Ash's head and let go..

Together, they watched the sunset. It was nice

Ash was worried about how he struck Ruby, he held back but it was still a strong hit.
Ruby noticed this and put her hand on his snout, "don't worry Ash, I'll be okay"
Ash smiled, but then, it was time for them to part ways..

Ash watched as Ruby packed her stuff and left, she waved goodbye, and Ash looked at the moon, and felt a raindrop.

Ash just sat there, in the rain...wearing his grass skirt-I mean grass kilt..

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