Chapter 2

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Ash was bathing in the stream, he felt lie needing a bath after using a powerful arsenal like that.
Ash felt the cold water as he washed, he was big, he was colossal.

As Ash left the river, he shook the water off, he saw that the Grimm which had followed him had left
"Till we meet again" says Ash, he walks deeper into the forest
Or, more like closer to the city.

Ash then walked past a trail, "must be a road trail"
Ash chooses the path to the right, either way has to mean cities right?
As Ash walked, he saw a giant, dark bird flying up above. He saw small birds chirping around, and flying away when he was close.

Ash may have hit a few branches along the way. As Ash made his way, he saw that the road lead to a picnic site, and a nice view.
Ash made his way past the picnic tables, and saw the view
"Wow, what an amazing view!" says Ash, a nice blue river and lots of green trees, some hills. He even saw more of those gigantic black birds and small birds that've been following him around.
Then, he saw an old man sit by him, "well aren't you a feller aye?" says the old man.
Ash just nodded, they looked more into the view, and Ash felt like spewing his dragon breath, so he did.
The old man was shocked to see such power, but also felt awe in such an awesome sight.

"Wow, such a unique power" says the old man, then, an old lady came next to him.
"Oh my, Geronimo, you've made quite the friend" says the old lady, Vera.
"Yes indeed" says Geronimo, smiling.
The rest was pretty great, and later, the sun set. Ash helped Geronimo and Vera by protecting them from any form of harm as they picked berries.
Later on, they had to say their goodbyes..
"Well, I hope to see you again soon you big fella" says Geronimo, Ash smiled as he laid down, grabbed a stick and wrote "Ash" on the earth.
"Ah, well, OK Ash, but before I go, are there anymore like you?" asks Geronimo, since he's never truly seen a being like this before.
Ash shook his head, not in this world. He actually doesn't even know if he's in his own universe, as he's been in another one before.
"Well, I hope we meet again Ash" says Vera, and Ash was on is way.

Time skip- Night time
Ash saw the stars in the sky, and the moon was within the clouds.
"A blood moon" said Ash, he said as he was sitting down, small black foxes circled around him, so did black monkeys, Beowolves, Ursa, Boarbatusks, Beringels and even a small Nevermore.
The night was cold, and Ash slept in harmony with the Grimm.
and a flash, the flash of a camera, was there. Someone took a picture of such a marvelous sight.

The next day
Ash woke up, and saw that most of the Grimm had gone, and so did Ash.
Ash walked, this time, he finds follows that same route, but on the opposite side, he may have past by a shocked person or two.
He ate fish by the river, there was this, that, and so on.
Ash then takes a break near a lake, it was rather very early in the morning, the sun hasn't even risen yet, the wind was cold. He saw some girl swimming, he just watched, he could smell her from here, he water may have covered her scent, but she smelled like a roses, he would say like a Roserade, but she didn't pack any poison.

Ash decided to play a little prank. He dove into the water.

Ruby Rose had realized some large splash, a mass disruption of the waves. She looked, and saw a red tail in the water, she saw it plunge, she got scared, she was only in her swimwear, she was unarmed. She had to be cautious, but the beast would probably get to her by the time she's close to shore, luckily (or unluckily), she got on a stone, it was a large stone in the middle of the lake.

Ash never knew that Tyrantrum could swim so fine, but it was ok, his small, or medium arms were very strong, which would make sense since he used those to help himself get up.

The top of head surfaced from the water, his crown as a sign of fear.

Ruby was scared, she's never seen any Grimm like this before, and it was coming closer, she was in a place where she was at a disadvantage. Make it worse, she was alone.

"Serves me right for swimming when I wake up early" says Ruby, as she woke up early, it was weird, but she apparently woke up, since there wasn't anything to do, and she can't go back to sleep, she decided to take a swim.

Ash swam around the stone, sometimes raising his head, showing his fangs, scaring the poor girl.

Ash swam around Ruby, she was no where near shallow water, she was no where near the shallows (haha! Get it!? The shallows? The movie about the swimmer on a rock, trying to escape a megalodon?)

But Ash decided to stop, Ruby was crying, Ash knew he'd gone a step too far, he decides to lightly dragon tail the rock, thus breaking it, and carried Ruby over his head towards shore.
When Ruby tried to find out what was going on, she saw that she was on the giant, red Grimm. He had a look of sorry in his eyes.

By the time they reached shore, dawn had already broken out over yonder.
Ruby was on the ground, and Ash shook the water off of him, Ruby looked at Ash...
And Ash left, he walked back into the forest to do whatever he pleases and chooses

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