Final Chapter

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Salutations, dear reader, this'll be the end of the book for now, just for closure, I'll be making a continuation of this story soon. But for now, I'll be ending the story with whatever happened.


In a secret operation base, Ozpin was tied to a chair, and a man walked around him, the man was tall, had long black hair, looked nothing like Ozpin.

"So, Cid, nice to see ya" says the tall man, hands behind his back, taunting his brother

"My name isn't Cid, Navy" Ozpin growls, the man smiles, delighted by Ozpin's obvious frustration.

"Ah, so you remember dear baby bro" the man called Navy smiles. Navy ruffles his hair before snatching his glasses

"How could I? You ran away from home and left mother a wreck" Ozpin growls, he hated his brother ever since that day, "you've always been the brat"

"I've always been the best" says Navy, "while I'm stealing millions and beating the hell out of cruel life, you're just trying live your life for the next generation, with only coffee and a chair backing you up"

"The terms of who we are does not matter, it's what we-" Ozpin gets interrupted by Navy, "oh but it does, how you were born and how you were treated will affect what you do, everything has relevance in some form, the terms of how we are born are insolent, not irrelevant"

"Look, Navy, what do you want?"

"You have something I want, something I need.." Navy smirks as he holds his staff, his staff was a long emerald stick, with a golden glaive or blade at the very top of it, with arches that was designed like a serpent to wrap around the green staff.

"What? Secrets of Beacon? Accounts? Numbers? Profiles?! Collusions, alliances, secret data? What is it?!" Ozpin growls, his calm demeanor was gone at the mere sight or presence of his hated older brother.

"No, it's... More medieval than you think" says Navy as he admires his staff.

"As we speak, my agents, Arc and Winchester, are already after a specific area that will be vital to my forces" says Navy

"What, are you going to-"

"Take over the world? No, heavens no, not yet anyways, I'm going to get elected, you know what I mean" says Navy, "after all, I'm the reason you hate politics"

"You're going to be Chancellor?"

"I'm not the principal here, Ciddy, I'm headed for the...Presidential throne" Navy smirks.

Ozpin's eyes widen, "you bastard! You're going to use presidency as a way to usher in a new world order are you?!"

"Affirmative" Navy answers

"You're going to kill millions!"

"To save billions"

"You're going to make the war worse!" Ozpin was furious, he's lost his cool, it's the first time in years, "how the hell did you even get elected senator?!"

"Because I was such a great politician, see Ciddy, there are two types of politicians, the corrupt who lie, and the honest who destruct" Navy just smirked. "I kept my words and controlled system after system with the use of criminals, with the use of anything I require, and right now, what I need..."

Navy slashes his glaive across Ozpin's chest, it tears easily though the professor's clothes and skin, even his muscle, blood gushes out.

"Is you, your DNA, and your death" Navy then laughs, "I don't care if you can reincarnate yourself in new avatars or that kind of sort, because by the time you come back, you're worthless, not just to me, but to everyone around you"

Ozpin spits at his face, or at least tries to.

He could then feel the bladed spear-staff go though his chest.


Salem and her forces open the vault. And the first thing they see a long hallway full of nothing but darkness, as there was no light, Salem, unafraid, walked into the hallway, desiring what lies forward.

There was so much dust, and not the usable bullet kind. Salem continued to move, closer and closer to the goal she desired. Someone like her to help her out. She eventually comes to some sort of large stone coffin. Some sort of energy that was like an ever burning inferno continued to burn brightly underneath.

Salem's white hands brush across the dusty, stony coffin, with her might she began to push the covering off.

The stone coffin began to make cracking and breaking sounds, unpleasant sounds althogether, from wails of rubbing friction to the crackles of energy beneath it all.

Salem looks inside it, and her eyes widen.

Within was a man, a tall muscular man, with skin like her but his hair was a long and sleek pure black. On his face were a few small black like marks. He looked stunning, Salem was captivated by his beauty.

This man, this grimm like her, existed and was resting all this time, she knows he is alive, for he is breathing and the energy emanated from him.

The energy began to rapidly grow and the temperature rose.

Suddenly the man's blood red eyes open, revealing his dark pupils.


Welp, that's the end, for now....

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