Chapter 3

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The sun's mass-murdering rays had finally faded, Ash was currently in some weird rocky place, the rocks crumbled as he walked on them. This place was enclosed by multiple hills, mass pools of either water or tar were there, heck, there was even a pool that was salt water instead of freshwater.

The clouds were heavy here, no sun was around, this place was a wasteland, no form of life whatsoever, it was a land plagued with death and emptiness. But right now, it was being walked over by a mass of a tyrant, a tyrant as strong as a hundred men, and if angry, increases that power tenfold.

There were skulls of Grimm here, no creature was down below or up above, no Nevermore in sight, nothing.
Ash continued his walk, just thinking of his life, as he sat down, thinking....

Time skip by 2 days

Ash had adapted well to this new life. He walked around, just yesterday he met Geronimo and Vera once more.
However...Ash still misses his friends and family..

Then, Ash realized, he had disappeared on the start of his journey, no one knows, except pikachu, that he disappeared.

Ash took his time to develop clothing, he had to use a lot of leaves, while his transformation to a Tyrantrum had made him more primal, thus causing him to lose 95% of his sense of shame, he still knew it was better to have clothing.

Ash, with the help of some fellow beowolves, had created a leafy covering for Ash's lower half, a giant, grassy kilt to be more honest, but there was a hole for the tail, so he used that.

Apparently, Ash had unintentionally introduced clothing to the Grimm.
Later on, there were Grimm wearing loincloths and kilts just like Ash, some packed a cape.

It was rather weird, but it was a usual. And since these Grimm-spider webs were very strong, there was no fear in it just blowing away easily.

Ash had learned more about Grimm than all these observers had.

Time skip of a week

Ash was on top of a hill, and roared..
The Grimm had howled, snarled and made sounds along with him.
Later on, Ash was in the forest once more..

Ash was near the lake, the same lake where he scared that girl..
Speaking of which, that girl was there, the scent of roses were as strong as the alpha rapidash with a harem of 8 females.

He sees it, the girl had noticed him, she was carrying a scythe. She put down her hood, cast away her scythe, and sat down on the ground.

Ash ran around the lake, since he was a Tyrantrum, he ran at 45 miles an hour, but the turns were hard, but nonetheless, he reached his destination.
He had to admit, she had a look of fear in her eyes, she was worried. But Ash sat down.

Ruby raised her right hand towards Ash, she did it slowly, and touched Ash's snout. She felt his apologetic energy.
The rest of the day was rather silent, maybe some fried squid on a stick here and there...

Nevertheless, a friendship was made later on.

The Grimm unlike any other (Pokemon+RWBY crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang