Chapter 7

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Ash was asleep...but there was something wrong....

He was back in human form

His aura, which had apparently passed onto the grimm, gave the grimms souls. Now, for an explanation.

His aura reverted him from Tyrantrum, his grass kilt shrunk to fit his size, but it didn't matter since his clothes which mysteriously disappeared had reappeared to cover his suppose to be naked body.

When Ash retreated into the forest after the big misunderstanding, he decided to watch a town from a distance, some beowolves cuddled up to him as they slept by his side.

Ash was still fast asleep, and didn't feel like getting up, he just wanted to stay asleep, there wasn't really a point since Ruby's probably not going to be meeting him any time soon as long as her friends (he presumes) were injured by the sheer power of his attacks in Tyrantrum form.

So Ash, now back in his 16 year old boy self, was asleep, snoozing on top of some beowolves, a grass kilt around his pants, his cap falling off his head and onto a small beowolf puppy.

Finally Ariel happen to me..

One wash clean, in my laundry for just seven fifty!

Finally Ariel happen to me, one wash clean.

In my laundry for just seven fifty..

 The song was being played in the town, it was a commercial, Ash and the beowolves heard that song last night, it was pretty catchy. The young beowolves actually started dancing to it. If they remembered correctly, it was a laundry soap commercial.

Ash's unintentional gift to the beowolves about a feeling to be mundane or, more yet sane had made these grimm, not all, truly few, for it is all still starting, Ash's gift, gave these grimm something they lacked before his arrival...

A soul.



As an unintentional wake up call, they all woke up.

The wolves were shocked, where was the big massive tyrant that gave them their gifts?

They were confused, and ran away.

But no matter how shocked they were, Ash was shocked the most.

"Wh...What!? I'm...I'm..I'm human again!" says Ash, he looks around himself, his cap on the ground, a grass kilt around his pants.

Ash would worry about the kilt later, he grabs his cap, and thinks of how this all works out.


Ash thought, and thought, and thought...

"How? How did I revert back into a human?" Ash asks himself


Sorry about the incredibly short chapter, maybe when I have more time would I lengthen the story.

I hope you enjoyed the song.

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