Chapter 7

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There is a mini sex scene: just a heads up!

Jasper didn't once give me any hints to where he was taking me, but through our mini travels I knew that it would something breathtaking. Because that's what he wanted. Jasper really wanted to give me a perfect honeymoon and I wasn't too against it. I had always dreamed about having a honeymoon, but I never thought it would be with a vampire. But it didn't matter what or who he was for I loved him all the same...
   As the boat pulled up to the island I noticed a small house tucked away in the vast array of palm trees. I stepped onto the beach and smiled up at it. I gently removed my flats and twirled up to the house. I felt Jasper come up behind me.
   "Do you like it?" He asked putting our bags down. I pushed the glass door open and stepped inside.
  "Are you kidding me Jasper?!" I moved my attention from the luscious living room into the bed room at the end of the hall. Grinning down at the large white bed I brushed my hand against it. "It's so beautiful here". I looked up at him.
   "I'm glad you like it". He said leaning in to kiss me. I did the same and wrapped my arms around his waist. He then wrapped his around my back and sat me down on the counter. I felt his lips drift down to my neck. I leaned my head back and bit my lip. "Jasper..." I whispered. He pulled away.
   "I'm sorry..." I apologized jumping down from the counter. He shook his head and kissed me again.
   "It's not your fault Avery. I got too ahead of myself and I let my desires take over". He replied as I blushed slightly. Then I followed him back into the living room.
   "Maybe we should wait..." I began. Jasper turned his attention back on me. "As much as I really want to I think it be better if we waited a few days". I pointed to the beautiful view before us.
   "We have almost a month here and it's such a beautiful place". I twirled around. "I don't want to stay inside all the time". He flashed a grin at me and pulled me into his arms.
   "Whatever my lovely wife wants she shall receive".
  "Flattering me will get you no where". I winked at him. He smirked and pulled me closer to him.
   "Hasty now are we". I joked kissing his cheek.
   "Only when it comes to you". His grin widened on his lips. I smiled back at him. "Oh I see". I replied.
   "I just had a thought..." He leaned in.
   "Oh do tell"
He lured me into the bedroom. "As beautiful as you look in that dress I think you'd look even more beautiful out of it". He said kissing my neck.
   "Jasper-". He bent down and kissed me.
  "I won't hurt you I promise Avery". He reassured me. I sighed and slowly nodded my head. And with that Jasper picked me up in his arms and laid me gently onto the bed before us. Then he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it across the room. Laying back down his lips soon found my body. He began to kiss every inch of neck then his lips crushed against my shoulders. Grinning from ear to ear I pushed myself up. Then I pulled my black dress off me to revel my black lace bra. Jasper grinned at it.
  "Remind me to thank Alice later". He replied before I wrapped my arms around his bare chest. Kissing his neck I felt every emotion linked with passion and love all at once. Jasper's love for me was endless and my love for him was just as endless. This was were I was meant to be. Here in this moment with him. Jasper laid me back down on the bed and I unhooked my bra for him. Then I let my body allow itself to give into Jasper wild temptations of passion, lust and desire...

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