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Ally past away the day after her wedding. It's now been five years since then and Mark is still hanging in there. He got re-married and had a beautiful daughter named Ally who is now three months old. Every time Mark and Ally's old anniversary comes around he goes and visits her grave with flowers. His wife Haley still doesn't know what to think of this, but he only goes once a year so it really doesn't bother her.

Mark still keeps the wedding ring from his first wife Ally, he keeps it hidden away in a safe that only he knows the password to. Not even Haley knows the password to that safe. And he goes and looks at the ring every know and then just to remember Ally.

The End


[Authors note]

So.. Its done.. Sorry it took so long for me to finish.. I've been really busy with school, and 4-H, and FLL (Which BTW WE MADE IT TO STATE!! Wish us luck!!!). But yeah, it's done!!!

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