Chapter 6- Go see a Daytona race LIVE!

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"Look what i've got!" Mark said to Ally running into the room with two small papers.

He waved them in her face, "What is it?" she asked him.


"To where?"

"The pepsi 500 at Daytona!" he grinned.

She didn't know what to say. This was one of the things she has been wanting to go to ever since she was five, her parents couldn't afford it so she never go to go, but now that day is here!

"When is it?" she asked him wide eyed.

"A week from today!"

"Really? EEK! I can't wait!"

Some people just can't seem to get into the race. They say its dumb because the only thing the cars do is drive around in circles risking there life for a stupid cup. She is not one of them, her father got her into racing a long time ago, and she loved it ever since she could remember.

Since the races were always busy they dicided to get there two days early and camp out in the middle. They rented a giant RV bus with a bedroom and kind sized bed, it took them a day to get there. It was quite a road trip considering neither of them knew how to drive an RV, so this was a new thing for both of them.

Since neither of them was a very good cook they were stuck with black crispy hotdogs, with store bought potato salad with so much mayo that it was dripping. They sat out in lawnchairs until midnight looking at the stars. Ally fall asleep so Mark took her to her bed in the camper.


All the cars started there engines and pulled out behind the blinking truck, everybody in the crowd started yelling and cheering. Then the blinking truck pulled out of the way and all the cars sped right past it with Jr. in the lead and Johnson right on his tail. Then all of a sudden Ally's heart skipped a couple of beats and she fell over, Mark caught her before she hit the ground.

"Help!" he yelled "somebody call 911!"

The stranger standing next to him pulled out his phone and dialed as fast as he could.

Mark took Ally to the RV and drove to the hospital as fast as the RV could go, not caring if he got a ticket.


Mark didn't leave Ally's side the whole time, and two and a half hours later she woke up in a hospital bed with a headache and heartache.

"Are you ok?" Mark asked what he saw that she was awake.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You had a heart attack.."

"What? Wait, who won the race?"

"You just had a heart attack, now your sitting in a hospital bed with high chances of having another and all you care about is who won the race?"

She nodded.

Mark rolled his eyes, "Kyle Bush."

He crawled into the bed and snuggled up with her just as there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." said Ally, right as a doctor opened the door and walked in.

"Ally Covington?" he asked.

"Thats me."

He seemed as if he was at a lose for words.. He hesitated then finaly said, "Are you aware that you have.. Cancer?"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "Yes.."

"The cancer has now taken over almost the whole body and.. umm.. your life is probably going to last at the most.. about two more weeks..'

Ally suddenly got stiff in Marks arms, and tears stared to pour from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry.." said the doctor.


I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry it took so long for me to upload, my wifi has been broken.. Anyway, thanks for reading! Its means a lot! Thank you to all of my fans who have stayed fans with me too! Love ya'll!!!!

If you want to formspring me my username is saw1996

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