Chapter 10- Get Married

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Chapter 10

Get Married

'Today is the big day' Ally thought when she was at the hair salon getting her hair done for the wedding. She's been in a wheel chair for the past week since she's getting very weak, Mark has been pushing her around, but since it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding she asked Mark's sister Mandy to help her.

The man doing her hair curled it and asks what she wanted done to it.

"Surprise me!" Ally told him.

While Ally sat and got her hair done Mandy had brought some old magazine and was flipping through it looking at the pictures.

"What do you think?" the man asked.

Ally looked in the mirror "I love it! Thank you!"

"You look amazing!" Mandy told her. "Now let's go get our nails done!"

Ally rolled her eyes and Mandy wheeled her to the nail salon.

Ally got a stipe across her nails with a pick flower, while Mandy got her nails painted blue with French tips.

"They look awesome! Now time to go get our makeup done!" Mandy squealed.

An hour and a half later they were back at home get in there dresses. Ally's dress comes out in a puff at the bottom kinda like Cinderella's dress, it hugs all the right curves, doesn't show to much cleavage, and it's a halter.

Mandy's dress is a black, tight, floor length gown, it shows much more cleavage then Ally's, it's strapless, and it's very open it the back.

"Ready?" Mandy asked Ally.

Ally nodded, she looked a little nervous.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Ally's dad asks when they're waiting in the line to go down the aisle together.

"This is the last thing I have one my list. And.. I love him dad."

He nodded and watched the last bridesmaid walk down the aisle.

Ally took a deep breath and prepared herself, she got out of her wheel chair and smoothed out her dress free of wrinkles with a little help from her dad since she couldn't reach the back. She grabbed her flowers, and took her dads arm. The doors opened and the organ started to play. She walked down the aisle with her dad while everybody watched her, a smile was sneaking it's way onto Ally's face. She looked around to see that some people were crying (one of them being her mother). When they reached the end she took Marks hand and walked up the few steps to get in front of the preacher. They said there vows, Mark kissed the bride, and everybody cheered. Then Mark swooped Ally off her feet and carried her to the limo that was waiting outside to take them to the reception dinner.

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