Chapter 9- Swim with Dolphins

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Chapter 9

Swim with dolphins

"There's only one two more things left on the list" said Ally, "Swim with dolphins, and get married.. Where am I going to swim with dolphins?"

"The beach?" Mark suggested.

Ally shook her head, "No, I want trained dolphins, ones that won't attack me thinking I'm food."

A lightbulb seemed to go off in marks head as his eyes got wide and he said "how about we fly to sea world?"

"Mark, I can't afford that.."

"I'll pay!" Mark said.

"No, you've already done enough for me and-"

Mark cut her off by holding up some tickets "I've already payed."

She rolled her eyes and chuckled "I'll go pack."

Mark grinned, "The flight leaves tomorrow."

Ally went up to her room and dug out her suitcase. Well she didn't really have to dig it out since it was still out from her last trip and full of her dirty clothes. She took the dirty clothes out and put four nice clean outfits in, one of which was a nice black bikini that she had never worn before. She put some yellow and black flip flops as well as a pair of tennis shoes, and some toiletries. She was just finishing packing when two muscular arms wrapped around her waist. She closed her eyes and leaned into Mark's chest, he seemed a little nervous, "Are you scared..?" he finally asked.

She turned to face Mark, "Yes."

Mark pulled her close to him and she cried into his chest, leaving stains on his shirt from where the salty tears were.

The next day as they were getting off the plane and getting there luggage Mark's phone started ringing.

"I'll be right back." he said to Ally. He walked out of Ally's ear shot so she couldn't hear the conversation, leaving her there with there luggage and a gross fruit bar that she got on the plane. Ten minutes or so later he came back.

"Who was that?" Ally asked.

"That was just um.. My boss, he wanted me to come in today. But I told him I was out of town, don't worry."

Ally didn't know weather or not to believe him, but she just decided to let it go.

They didn't get a fancy hotel. It just had one room with a bed, table and couch. They put they're luggage in the room and got ready to go to Sea World. Ally washed her face free of make up, and put on her bikini. She put a baggy shirt and some short shorts on over it, grabbed some flip flops and sunglasses and they were off.

When they got to the park, with Ally's luck they weren't aloud inside to swim with the dolphins. But with some arguing and bribing with money, Mark was able to get them in for about half and hour.

They stripped down into there swim suits and got into the water. The dolphins were very friendly and came right up to them when they got in. Ally grabbed one of there fins and it swam around the tank. When she let go she decided she wanted to see how many dolphins were in the tank, so she went under the water and looked, there had to be around seven, they kept moving so she couldn't get an accurate count, so she decided to ask the guy.

"How many dolphins are in the tank?" she asked.

"Nine. There all bottle nose dolphins." he answered.

Marks head popped up from under the water and he was thinking the same thing when he asked "how many dolphins are there in here?"

The guy rolled his eyes "nine."

"Your time is up! Now get out before I get fired!" the man who let them swim with the dolphins said.

Mark climbed out, but Ally was to weak to get out so he had to help her. They dried off quickly and rushed out the door not even saying thank you to the mean guy.

Mark took her out for dinner, nothing special just McDonalds because it's quick and she said she was tired and wanted to go sleep. They ordered and found a table outside were they could be alone. Ally busted open her Burger and caught Mark off guard by asking "When is the wedding?"

He looked up "Tomorrow."


[Authors note]

Only one more chapter and then the epilogue. Ooh!!!

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