Chapter 8- Learn the Tango

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Chapter 8

Learn the Tango

After they were done with there expensive dinner they went to a nearby dance studio to learn to tango since that was then next thing one her list. She wanted to learn how to tango so that she could dance at her wedding. Which at this point she didn't think was going to happen. That is until Mark stopped them right in front of the door to the dance studio and got down on one knee, as he pulled out a ring she could she he was nervous because he was shaking.

"Ally I know I haven't known you very long, but I seems like I've known you forever, I want you to be mine, will you marry me?"

A couple tears fell from her eyes and she said "Yes!"

Mark pulled her into a big bear hug and twirled her around a few times before putting her down to put her ring on.

She was so exited, she had the whole wedding planned out in her head!

Mark wrapped his arm around Ally's waist and pulled her inside the studio. They walked up to the front desk were a skinny old lady was sitting "Do you have a reservation?" she asked.

Mark nodded and handed the old lady a piece of paper.

"Right this way." she said motioning for them to follow her.

They walked into a big room with a red boom box in the corner, next to a few chairs (one of which had a lady who looked in her mid-30's sitting on it), and a mirror that covered the whole left wall.

"Hello." said the lady, getting up from her seat and shaking both of there hands "My name is Vicky" she said giving Mark a flirty smile.

"I'm Ally, and this is my fiancé Mark." Mark chuckled rolling his eyes, while taking Ally's hand in his.

The dance instructor Vicky looked a little disappointed as she said "shall we get started? Who wants to go first?" she asked looking at Mark.

Ally squeezed his hand, he was trying to hold back a chuckle. He took Vicky's hand and she showed him the steps.

He followed her and did whatever she said, swaying to the beat of the music. And then it was Ally's turn.

She was watching the whole time and she believed that she could get it on the first try. Vicky told Mark to try to teach Ally the moves, and he did teach her most of them, Vicky only had to come in about three times just to show them they were doing the right steps. And soon they were able to do the whole dance with no help.

"Yay!" Ally says "Now well be able to dance at the wedding!" she kissed him on the cheek.

Mark took her hand in his "thanks" he said to Vicky handing her the money, then walked out.

When they stepped out the door Mark stopped her by wrapping his arms around her waist "I love you" he said.

She smiled, "I love you too!" she said and kissed him.

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