Chapter Five; Training

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(January, 8th Monday, 2017, 11;56 PM)

I was again back in the bed. Covered by both bed sheets and lacy black lingerie that was terribly uncomfortable to even lay down in, so I wouldn't even want to know what it was like to be... tied up, beaten, tortured. I knew exactly what this specific training was and it chilled me to my core just thinking about the things he could do to me, hours on end of vigorous torture. I was hiding from him under the sheets, knowing he would find me obviously but maybe when he saw how scared I was it would make him go easy on me. Or it could be the opposite completely, he could whale on me even harder for not being 'good' as he called it. I was just praying that nothing bad would happen to me. Not that praying would help at all.

"Get up." I heard his stern voice come from above the blankets as i started to pull them back. "I'm scared..." I said quietly. He chuckled. "If you survived last night, you'll come out a winner after this little session." He said lurking over me. "Now get out of that bed." He growled softly. I pulled the cover back and got up, standing infront of him in my little outfit. "Good sizing for sure." The man said examining me. "Sir..?" I asked quietly. "Hmmm?" He responded. "C-could I know your name?" I asked in the sweetest voice I could conjure at the moment. He smirked at me softly and smiled after. "You don't need to know... You know what to call me right darling...?" He asked licking his lips. I nodded softly and blushed.

It was such a seductive character that he liked to play. The sound of his voice in the right situation could make anyone shiver in the most inappropriate way. This wouldn't help me in anyway, especially trying to deny him of my body which in his terms he possessed. My body wasn't mine anymore. From what I felt the other night, he seemed to think I was nothing but a pretty piece of meat to fuck and throw away after each act was preformed on me. Would these acts ever please me? Would he try to please me? All questions that didn't matter at the moment, yet tantalized me.

"What's my name?" He asked as grabbing me by the chin, rubbing back and forth over it with his thumb. "Sir." I replied obediently. "Good girl and what am I to you?" He asked taking his hand away and starting to undo his belt. I looked away, embarrassed and ashamed. "Hey, I'd like ab answer me when I'm talking to you..". I started to get upset, tears pushing out of the corners of my eyes. I still didn't answer him. "Bitch!" He yelled and slapped me across the face. "You answer me when I speak to you.." He growled as a couple tears fell down my cheeks. "Now... What am I to you?" He asked in a sweet yet angered voice. "M-Master." I replied blankly. He nodded and took me by the hand, pulling me against him first as he held me by my wrists. "You'll learn to listen to me... like I said, it'll just take some time. My games will become second nature to you, eventually." He said in an emotionless tone.

He then took my hands and pulled me towards the door, leading me down to the end of the hallway I hadn't explored. The door swung open without him touching it. The room was pitch black, nothing visible yet. My captor sat me down on my knees facing the door as he closed it and walked off behind me, clapping his hands twice, lighting up the room that I still could not see from being placed by the door, obviously too afraid to move. I heard his foot steps coming back my way and i hung my head a little to show my shame, maybe making him regret this. "You'll also learn I have little pity, if not any at all." He said grabbing me by my arm and pulling me to stand. I was turned around to see the small room lit up with candle light, it seemed sweet in the moment but turned vile quickly.

The walls were covered with phallic looking objects, dildos and vibrators. But that's not what scared me. It was the things that were right on the bedside. It was a stand filled with varieties of whips, different densities of floggers, and more harmful looking objects that my sore rear cheeks, didn't feel like encounter today or any other time.

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