Chapter Four; For The Love of Control

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(January, 8 Monday, 2017, 6:38AM)

Your POV;

My head throbbed as I started to come back into reality. I groaned roughly, on the verge of slight tears from how sore I was. My arms were no longer bound and I was laying on my back, wrapped up in a  soft blanket. I moved my limbs a bit to find that I was completely alone in the bed, he was gone. I sighed as my eyes started to water from how sore and fragile my body felt. This feeling in my body wouldn't be forgotten easily, not only because the brutal experience was molded into my mind, but my body was paying for it. my ass practically felt numb from how hard he was hitting it. All my begged did nothing, he seemed heartless, but for his own gain he made me comfortable. which made complete sense to me, making me feel comfortable in his sheets would make it seem as if he cared for me, when I knew exactly what he wanted was anything but good intentions. Everything he did seemed to be malicious and sinister and of course for his own pleasure or self gain. Even his softest touch that he practically treated me with felt like tiny little blade pressing into my skin. I laid in the warm and cold bed, thinking about my options. I mean, for all I know this could be a terribly horrifying dream that never happened. But the more I thought about this conspiracy the more and more it made less sense. The fact that my body felt like a raw piece of meat that had been malted into a thin layer of muscle tissue, made little to no sense especially with severe rectal pain I was experiencing. 

Then in my confused panic I started to cry softly, whimpering as I moved my arms to hold my head. I finally had a good reason to kill myself, get out of this insanity for once and all. "Please..." I begged myself, wanting to end it right here and now. "Is that all you do is beg and whine. God, get some personality." His voice said as the bed crunched and his body laid down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. He sighed. "I'm not fully sorry for what I did last night deary.." He said pushing some hairs out of my face. His voice cackled softly. "How do ya feel?" I didn't answer. "I asked you a question." He said in a more stern tone but not angry. "Respond before I get angry." He demanded as his hand now gripped my cheek. "Numb." I answered. He chuckled. "You love playing that victim card don't you? I find it so funny. You've been playing it your whole life. I believe in a thing called destiny. or for that matter, you get what you get for a reason. Keep feeling numb, little flower. That wasn't even the worst I could do to that precious little body of yours." He smiled. "I was expecting more aggression from you to be completely honest." He said and then got up. "In twenty minutes you will get up and make breakfast, if not, you will be punished. I will be a fair man from now on. You listen, you will be rewarded. If not..." He just smirked softly and walked out. He liked to play dirty, but sadly for him in this situation he had to play fair for my submission.

I sniffled a little bit and sat up, wrapping the blanket around myself as my body shook very gently. I hardly knew my surroundings, making it hard to move around in the dark until a few candles flamed and lit the room with light. The shining that came from no where made me jump slightly, my stiff legs walked slowly towards the door and opened it to see a hallway full of pictures and few candles lighting the way. It was really just a little apartment, it smelled of a rotten stench as I walked further down the little hallway and then came to a living room with a television with some kind of show on. I looked around for a little while longer until she found a tshirt and quickly dropped the blanket, grabbing the tshirt and putting it over her head. I grabbed the blanket and folded it, putting it on the couch and the walking into the kitchen. My hands were dirty and dry so I went to the kitchen sink and washed them quickly. My head moved upwards a bit and looked in front of me, seeing a boarded up window, covered by planks of wood.

A quick idea came to me and I searched and searched the house for a door, but there was none to be found. "Fuck..."I sighed and went back into the kitchen, remembering that I was told to make breakfast. I opened the fridge door and found out where that awful smell was coming from. It was rotted groceries. Fruit and vegetables molded and black from decay. "How do I make breakfast with no groceries?" I thought aloud. "Quite your whining." The man said walking up behind me and closing the door and opening it again, revealing a full fridge with ripe everything. That somewhat astonished me as I looked in the fridge, bending down a bit to get a better look. He stood against the counter, eating an apple and smirking as he stared at my red bottom poking out from underneath the shirt. "Did I say you could put my shirt on?" He asked cocking an eyebrow. I turned to him and shook my head softly. "Sorry, Sir." I apologized in a soft tone. "Hmmm..." He mumbled and stood up straight.
"Cook." He said not following through with the thought that went through his head. I nodded softly and grabbed a few things to make breakfast.

I wasn't the best cook what so ever, well other than breakfast, that was simple enough for me though. After cooking eggs and toast for him I set the table. "Did you make yourself some?" He asked as he sat down where I set his food down. "I don't think I should eat." I said softly not wanting to anger him in anyway. "Eat. It's necessary you eat especially for what I intend on doing with you." He said emotionless. I nodded and ate some fruit and toast, not wanting to know what he planned on doing with me, the only problem was I practically knew already. "I'll need to know you sizes for your clothes." He said as he ate quietly, seeming calm for some odd reason. I again nodded.


"I'm so sorry... P-Please forgive me.. P-Please?" I said on my knees as I looked up at him pleading for forgiveness. I had broken a glass while putting away dishes. "I've been fair with you and somewhat reasonable today and you still manage to try and make me angered, especially by breaking my thing. That deserves punishment." He said looking at me and smiling as I was pleading and sniffling now from my nose being stuffed up. He still shook his head with a large grin. "Just a few spankings and it'll set you straight." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, dragging me to the living room with him. I squirmed softly, not wanting him to touch me, let alone my bruised ass. "Please.." I whimpered as he sat down and set me down over his knee and pulled up the shirt that I had on, stopping at my mid back just so he could see my fully bruised ass and light purple lower back. "Poor, little flower.. Daddy should have been rougher last night so you would learn your lesson about disobeying me." He said began in his soft voice at first which quickly turn into a growl as he rubbed my ass cheeks. "I didn't mean to..." I whined and whimpered as I felt his hand leave my ass cheek knowing what was coming.

After a moment his hand came down somewhat hard, smacking my ass with his cupped hand. My body jolted and I groaned in the slightest pain he had given me. "How many do you think would be reasonable?" He purred in my ear. "Five, ten, fifteen or twenty." He asked softly as I whimpered. "What was that? Twenty? Well if you insist, Little flower."

Every slap got worse and worse each time and were timed perfectly, every stinging pain would start to fade and right when it was almost completely gone another slap, again and again. I was sobbing by the time he got to ten and when he was done, my ass was raw, eyes filled with tears as a few fell down. He reached down and flipped me over and brought me to sit up across his lap, nuzzling his face into mine and holding under my chin with his thumb and index finger. "You took that so good.." He purred to me and scratched under my chin, still rubbing his face against mine. "I even have a present for my Little flower.." He said and reached behind him as I whimpered from sitting on my raw ass. "Aw.." He said taking out his present and then wrapping it around my neck and tying it at the back. "Cute little collar for my sexy Little flower." He purred in my ear. I sniffled and looked away from him. "Aw come on baby... It isn't that bad is it?" That made me even more upset and I tried to squirm away from him. "Mmmm..." I whimpered when he held me there. He sighed and let me go. "Teasing you isn't even fun... do you know how many women and men would love to have me as a master..?" I crawled away and curled up in the corner of the couch. "I-I don't care... I don't want to.." I said sniffling. He got up and just walked away, seeming emotionless as I sat there now crying. After a while I fell asleep.

A few hours pass and I slept undisturbed for the most parts, other then the fact that my dream were once again tormenting me, I was doing okay. Another few hours and I woke up from lack of warmth. I opened my eyes very slowly and sighed, yawning and then looking around to notice that he was sitting in the love seat across from me, just staring like I was a piece of meat and nothing more. "Did you have a good little nap?" He asked in an irritated tone. "I-I suppose." I said in a sheepish voice which was most definitely brought on by his own irritated one. "Your training is going to start in an hour, so I suggest you get yourself cleaned up and looking presentable for me." He said in the same aggravated tone from before. I nodded very softly. He pointed down the hall and blatantly said... "Bathroom." I went to ask him a question but he shushed me and I just went to the bathroom as instructed. I washed up and then went back to the room I woke up in and got dressed in what he laid out on the bed and I hated it. Black lacy things that were quite uncomfortable. But I knew at that exact moment what this training was.

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