Chapter Tweleve; Nothing To Share

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(May 5th, Thursdays, 2017, 12:34AM)

I laid on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. The loud thumping of music came from outside of my bedroom door. Dark was having a party. Not that I knew the date, but I knew it was Cinco de Mayo, making it May 5th. I was just laying there, think about what was going on, what they were talking about. Were there women out there? did he still fancy me over them.

I confused myself more and more. Frustrated would have been a better word. I sat up a bit and then proceeded to stand, looking around my artificially lit room. Pacing is what started me. I paced back and forth quickly, ideas popping in and out of my head by the second. I thought of what he could be doing to other women, touching them. Or worse, letting them touch him. Rubbing against him, grazing thei-.... I stopped myself immediately as I heard the music from outside turn down and there where a few sounds of people being hushed and some whispering getting closer to my door. I heard a soft knock and then the door opened, it was Dark. He had the goofiest smile on his handsome face, and it almost looked like he was blushing but I knew it was the liquor. He gently closed the door behind him. "Hey, baby.." He chuckled and smiled at me. He immediately saw the frustration on my face and his kind smile dropped. "What's wrong flower?" He asked coming up and caressing my cheek. "Nothing. Just go have fun with your little girlfriends.." I said turning away. I heard him sigh. "There's no chicks out there, babe." He said in a soft and annoyed tone. I turned back to look at him. "You promise?" I asked. "Well, I mean, I'd like you to come out there and sit with the boys and I.." he said scratching his head. "I really don't wanna meet your friends, Dark.." I laughed softly. He sighed a bit rougher. "You're coming out there to meet them, I don't care." His voice was a bit demanding which made me nod. "Put something cute on. Showing you off to people is the best part.. I get what they can't have." He smirked softly. I blushed a little and nodded as he went to leave. I went over to my closet, finding leggings and one of his big plaid shirts. As he walked out he closed the door and I began to change, slipping the clothes onto my body and then playing around with other parts of my exterior looks. I took a deep breath as I stood near the door, slowly opening it and listening to it creak as did the floor boards when I would step. There was loud talking and then someone hushed the voices as I walked towards the now quiet group of men that was sitting in the living room.

"Boys..." Dark said smiling at me. "This is my property, (Y/N)." He continued. Oh how I hated that he called me such names, as though I was an inanimate object. I blushed softly as some of the men stared at me, some seeming hungry and others interested. I kept my head down as I stood there. "Come." Dark said as he pat his lap. I slowly walked over, all their eyes on me. The man sitting on the left of Dark smiled at me somewhat lovingly, his eyes a beautiful shade of blue but glowed with a radioactive green tinge. He reached over and took my hand, brining it up to his lips and softly kissing the top of it. "I've heard much about you.. your beauty is much more than what Darks words could describe to me." He purred in a sweet voice. I smiled gently. "Nice to meet you too." I said back as he chuckled a little bit. "I'm sure your humour must get on Dark's nerves?" He added. "I assume so." I said as I looked at Dark while he rolled his eyes. Dark slowly pulled me down to sit in his lap comfortably, stroking my hair. "Anti.." the man said. "Antisepticeye." He repeated and I smiled at him. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He purred.

"Easy with the flirting, Anti.. I'll slit your throat." Dark growled and Anti chuckled. "Don't forget I'm already dead inside anyway." Anti chuckled sarcastically, taking a sip of his drink. "She's mine." Dark added as he licked at my neck. I shivered softly and blushed. "How much to touch her?" A man asked sitting across from us. His hair was blonde and eyes black as Darks were but a much less intense shade illuminated from his. "Listen, Felix... I'll say it again, she's mine. You guys can do as you wish with your women..  lend them out as such but mine is mine.." Dark said. The man across the table, assumed to be the one Dark called Felix nodded and sipped his drink as Anti had before. I wrapped my arms around his neck and purred and I nuzzled his chest softly. "Well can she dance for us at least..?" Anti asked purring as he looked at me. Dark looked down at me and smiled. "I suppose that would be alright. As long as none of you touch her you'll be fine. But if one of your dirty little fingers even come close...I will condemn you all to hell, you can live with my father for the rest of eternity..." Dark growled and they all nodded. I looked up at him and shook my head. "Come on baby... no ones gonna hurt you, we just want to look at you... watch you." He purred at me and I gave a small little grin. "I can't dance though..." I said in a sheepish voice. All the men looked at Dark. "You haven't trained her yet?" Anti asked. "God, she's more like your girlfriend than a slave... you're going soft, Dark." Dark immediately growled at him. "Just because I'm not always a dick to her, doesn't mean she's my girlfriend. I'll show you just how obedient she is..." he purred to me. "Go get in the outfit I bought you and come back out." He said holding my chin softly. "Be a good girl for your daddy..."

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