Chapter 27| Temptations

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Chapter 27| Temptations

Normal POV

When Natsu reached the truck, to his relief Lucy was curled up asleep, hardly even visible from outside. He stood gazing at her for a second, thinking how peaceful she looked.

"Hey," he said softly, leaning in and touching her shoulder through the open window.

She stirred drowsily awake, blinking up at him. "Oh, wow, I really did fall asleep." Getting out, she helped him load some of the lighter boxes into the truck.

"Careful of your arm," he said, glancing at the bandage.

"It's all right, just a little sore. I had a good doctor." Spotting the shopping bag with the clothes, Lucy peeked inside. "Hey, that red sweater's really pretty. OK, maybe you can be trusted with important clothes missions after all."

"Phew." Natsu had thought the color would look great with her hair, though he was too embarrassed to say so now. He nodded at the shopping bag as he stacked boxes. "I got you another baseball cap, too— you'd better put it on."

She did so, tucking her blond hair out of sight, then put on her sunglasses. As they finished loading the supplies, she said, "Do you want me to drive for a while?"

"That's OK; go back to sleep if you want."

Lucy had her head to one side, taking in the truck's lines. "No, I'm fine," she said. "I don't mind, really."

Natsu grinned suddenly. "Oh, I get it. You just want to drive a big 4x4 and see what it's like, right?"

"Yeah, pretty much." She shot him a laughing look. "You must be psychic or something."

"Hey, you're not the only one with talent. Go for it," he said, tossing her the keys. She snapped them from the air, and a minute later was moving the driver's seat forward, looking incredibly cute behind the wheel. Trying not to think about it, he settled beside her, stretching his legs out.

Starting up the truck, Lucy checked the rearview mirror and maneuvered them out of the parking lot. "Which way am I going?"

"Take the interstate north for now," he directed. "We'll get off it soon and use back roads instead."

She pulled out onto the main road. "This is great," she said, downshifting as she slowed for a stoplight. "Nice and smooth."

"No way. Is it really better than a Mustang?"

"You know, it's so sad how you just don't get it." She glanced at him with a smile.

They rode in companionable silence for a while. Lucy turned on the radio, twirling the dial to a classical station. The floating, buoyant sound of a violin concerto wrapped around them. "Is this OK?" she asked.

Natsu had his eyes half closed, his hands linked over his stomach. "Yeah, I like classical. Dad used to play it sometimes."

Between the music and the motion of the truck, he almost drifted off to sleep himself. Then Lucy's voice said, "Natsu, can you wake up?" He opened his eyes groggily. She was peering into the rearview mirror, looking anxious. "Tell me I'm being paranoid," she said. "That green Pontiac back there. Is it following us?"

Immediately wide awake, he twisted in his seat. The Pontiac was cruising along behind them, about ten car lengths back. "What's it been doing?" he asked.

"Keeping exactly that same length behind us, no matter what I do. I've tried speeding up a little and slowing down, and it always stays right there." She looked in the mirror again. "I mean, I know it's the interstate, so it's hard to tell. I've just. . . sort of got a feeling about it."

Angel Burn (Book 1 Of Angel Trilogy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz