Chapter 13| Understanding

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Chapter 13| Understanding

Normal POV

Natsu hesitated, still looking at the full parking lot. Even if Lucy thought it seemed all right, they might be stranded here for several days; they needed to do everything they could to protect themselves. "Listen, we'd better share a room," he said. "I mean, we'll get two beds, but—"

Lucy stopped in her tracks, gaping up at him in horror. "Do what?"

He felt his cheeks tinge at her reaction, which irritated him; he knew that what he was suggesting was the only sensible thing. "It just looks less noticeable that way," he said. "Plus, it's a lot safer if we stick together, where I can keep an eye on you."

"I don't want you to keep an eye on me," she snapped. She stalked off ahead of him with long, angry strides, her slender back poker-straight.

He caught up with her easily. "What do you think we're even doing here in Boondocksville?" he pointed out. "People are trying to kill you, remember?"

Lucy's mouth tightened, and she fell into an angry silence. "All right," she said. "Fine." As they approached the glass door marked RECEPTION, Natsu started to tell her that he didn't want this, either, and then bit the words back—he'd sound like he was protesting too much.

Maybe he was.

At the front desk, the clerk shoved a registration card across at him; signing in, Natsu showed him some ID—a fake Ohio driver's license—and paid in cash.

Their room was on the ground floor; neither of them spoke as they walked down the concrete path. When they reached number 112, Natsu unlocked the door, swung it open, and groped for the lights. A motel room just like hundreds of others he'd stayed in came into view—the two large double beds, the round table, the TV hanging from the painted concrete wall.

He dropped his bag onto the table; Lucy followed him into the room and shut the door behind her. She pulled off her sunglasses and the cap, shaking her hair out and not looking at him. "I'm going to take a shower," she announced.

Natsu nodded. "Yeah, OK. I'll take one after you." He knew that he couldn't blame Lucy for hating him and that it was for the best if she did. So why did he suddenly wish that he could go back through time a couple of nights and take back what he'd said?

Lucy rooted through her bag and took out a hairbrush. She headed into the bathroom, but was back out in seconds. "There's no shampoo in there. Do you have some I could use, please?" Her face was pinched with irritation. Natsu knew it was from having to ask him for a favor, rather than caring that much about the hotel's lack of toiletries.

Opening his bag, he pulled out a tube of sports shampoo and handed it over.

"Thanks." Lucy disappeared into the bathroom again and shut the door. A moment later he heard the shower starting up, the water hammering against the tiles.

Natsu blew out a breath, rubbing his hand across his face. As he picked up the remote control to turn on the TV, his gaze fell on Lucy's cloth bag, sagging open on the counter. He could see her wallet lying on top—it was purple, with a stitched flower on it. He glanced at the bathroom, hesitating. Feeling like a thief, he drew out the wallet; it smelled faintly of Lucy's perfume. When he opened it, he found a New York State driver's license for Lucy Ashley Heartfilia, showing that she was sixteen. Nearly seventeen—her birthday was only a month away, on October 24.

 He looked at the date in surprise; it was the day after his own. He was exactly a year and a day older than she was. The coincidence was unsettling, stirring through him like the whisper of a butterfly's wings. In the photo, Lucy had her head cocked to one side, her hair was in a side ponytail; tied with blue ribbon, her mouth closed in a pursed smile. Her chocolate brown eyes sparkled, even with the dull, unimaginative camerawork of the New York Department of Motor Vehicles.

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