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She's cut so deep
She bleeds even when asleep
She tries to pull the wounds together
But even a angel feather couldn't keep
So she cries in her sleep
As the angels weep
And the scars run so deep
Even the demons flee

I wasn't always like this I used to be normal if you can believe that. I used to go to school like everyone else had crushes on the cute kid in class until I didn't it happened so fast that I didn't even notice it would change me but that's how life is all it takes is a second for life to change that was the day I learned you can fix what's broken but not what's shattered and I was shattered only there was no one trying to fix me they were all dead. I guess guilt,anger, and vengeance was why I became a slayer. If you would of told me this years ago I would of laughed in your face. But then again the ones with the biggest hearts get hurt the most.

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