Meeting the family or whats left of them

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Not all angels are harmless

I met alexdandre at the address he gave me, and instead of the cemetery or haunted house I expected I got quite the shock to see an old Victorian manor. You could tell how well kept it was just by the lawn and garden. I walked up a stone walk way knocked on the door and alexdandre opened it. When we walked in there was a bang and I amidiately  was on guard. Captain croissant on the other hand only groand. "Grand-m'ere." As soon as the words left his mouth a woman who appeared to be in her 50's appeared. She had the same eyes as captain croissant which must be a family trait and graying brown hair. She was petty unlike me she was only about 5'3. She smiled when she saw us and the look in her eyes only increased my wariness. "Alex who's your friend?" He gave me a look that could only mean one thing. So I walked in front of her and stuck out my hand."Ember Aderes." Her eyes widened considerably and a gleeful smile appeared on her face."your the vampire slayer my Alex is obsessing about." She sped over and grabbed me in a hug."my name is antwanette I'm Alex's grandmother." She glared at alexdandre with a look of anger that even scared me. The puppy dog look he wore made it almost Impossible to not laugh." Well I'll leave you too alone to get to know each other better. She winked,giggled then flew off humming the wedding march under her breath." She is fucking insane!" Alexdandre shook his head and grumbled"I know."
"Well." I smirked."at least now we know where you get it from."
"Ha ha ha." He deadpanned. "Let's just get this over with." He walked away before I could reply."somebody pissed in your blood this morning." We walked down the hallway forever,to him though it was probably only minutes.we came to a stop in front of two huge doors made of wood. We walked in to the library which looked a lot like the one from the beauty and the beast. I sat down in a chair across from alexdandre. "So where would we find Enders amulet?" Asher looked thoughtful for a minute."it was last rumored to be in Ireland. So Asher must of already been there or is there."
"Makes sense we haven't seen him in a while." He cocked an eyebrow."and your complaining?" I snorted at him."no, but why would Asher want it we all know I'm not worth in slaveing the world for." "What do you mean?" He asked wearily. "It just doesn't sound like Asher, I mean he's conceited,annoying and arrogant but I'd never say he was evil. Or wouldn't of." Alexdandre looked at me closely."are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I nodded grimly not wanting to meet his eyes."someone else is behind this and manipulating Asher to do it for them." We were so fucked.
Alexdandre for once seemed to return my sediments. If only this could happen when a crazy/possible sane black mailed vampire wasn't trying to take over the world.

Alexdandre was an interesting creature I mussed. He went from hating me with a fiery passion that could give Romeo and Juliet's passion a run for its money,to begrudgingly working with me in a matter of days. An interesting creature indeed. But captain croissant wasn't my main concern right now. I could wait to think on him. Asher I couldn't,Who would black mail Asher for Enders amulet,and why? What reason could they have to do it? It frightened me to not know. Asher wasn't a new vampire ethier. He wasn't as old as Alexdandre but he knew how get by and protect himself. He was a force to be reckoned with when needed or provoked. Even I knew that. Very few would be ballsy enough to even attempt blackmail. And I being on the short list haven't done it,so who else could? The answer wasn't looking very good. Nor was our fate. I didn't want to find out.

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