You want a war you don't know what your asking for

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I just crawled my way up from hell

I strode through blood bite like a girl on a mission. I guess you could say I was. I had to find my scary Bestfriend who some how got kidnapped. And rescue him from psycho vamp who claimed to love me but only wanted to kill me for a wierd blood sacrifice to bring back his long dead lover, this shit only happens to me. Us Aderes are cursed I swear. If only this was a book and some hot hero was coming to save me. I laughed at the thought,I'm no damsel I'd probably kick his ass.

The heels of my boots clicked on the floor as I walked down the hall. Blood bite was silent which was never a good sign. I walked to the basement of the club quietly. Asher didn't know I knew about it which was in my favor. Breaking and entering was so helpful, especially after hours.  I had to duck down as I went down the stairs. The basement was cold,dark,and creepy. It reminded me of a place a serial killer brings their victims before they kill them because no one can hear them scream down here. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I peered around the corner and saw calin,unfortunately Asher was there to. Calin was tied to a pole,don't ask me why it's there even I don't want to know,his waist was tied through twice and his hands were bound to with one of his ankles cuffed to the pole. Not to mention the gag,no harm my ass he spotted a nasty black eye. Asher was paceing around him talking to himself,because you know he loves the sound of his own voice.

"Where is she? She was supposed to be here already."

Calin said something but it came out muffled. Asher reached over and pulled the gag down."maybe she realized how psycho you are and the other vampire who wants to kill her told her about the ritual." He paused and pretended to think."right now I'd say she's on some tropical beach drinking pina coladias with a hot guy mooning over her well she laughs at us." Asher pulled the gag back up harshly."this is why you have this and your black eye which you made me a liar with." He stoped paceing and muttered"she'll be pissed at me,you don't piss off the girl you love."calin muttered something that sounded like "muv er ya ight nd I'm antie claus."

I think it was." Love her ya right and I'm Santa Claus." But I didn't matter there'd be time for what your gaged Bestfriend meant later,right now it was time for rescue your Bestfriend.
I made sure my boots made noise as I showed my self to my Bestfriend and blood sucker.
Asher whirled around froze before he broke out into a love sick grin. Maybe I don't have all the info,he should have a blood thirsty grin of triumph and arrogance not one of love. Maybe captain croissant set me up. If only.
"Asher." My voice was back to the freezing cold flat tone most know it by.
"Little warrior." His smile beamed in the moonlight from the few small windows in the basement.
My voice took on a mocking tone."well I'm here we can start the party now,maybe me and calin can braid each other's hair."
Calin snorted through his gag. Gotta love his sense of humor.
Asher frowned though and the delight I got from seeing him unhappy was unhealthy. He not only tricked me and was gonna sacrifice me but,he kidnaped my Bestfriend. Some things are just unforgivable. Good thing I had no plans of forgiveness.

Asher's smile look like something even the joker would shiver from,he looked that crazy. He spread his arms out wide and bowed."the lady has shown."

"Well"I drawled."I didn't have much of a choice ,you kinda have something of mine." I jerked my chin towards calin."I'd like him back."

Asher walked ahead swiftly with the grace of a cat and stopped in front of me."well I'm up for discussion."

My eyes narrowed on there own,well my tone turned from flat to lethal."and what would you want Asher?"
His eyes took on a predatory glint that had me wary and ready to run."just your love."

A sarcastic smile formed on my face."and there's no blood included in that?"

"Why would I want your blood little warrior?"

"Don't play dumb Asher alexdandre spilled the beans on your little ritual."

He put his hand on my cheek and his thumb traced my cheek bones to my lips."it was true at first,I wanted you for the ritual,but then I met you. And you were so alive and full of fire,every time you threatened me I saw your flames burn even the way you walk and I couldn't be the one to put that flame out,not for anything." He smiled at me briefly before he spoke again."I fell in love with you fast,the first time I saw you and the way you fought against darkness, even your own I was hooked I loved you as soon as I saw you."

"That's great and all but what makes you think I felt the same?"

He smiled again this time even warmer than the last."I know you don't but that only up's the appeal. You'll come to love me eventually."

"Then tell me why would you kidnap my Bestfriend if you love me and want me to love you in return?"

"Because the only way you'd stay was if I had something of yours to coax you out."

"And what makes you think I'd allow you to keep me ,I'm not a kept woman. I thought you of all people would know that."

He smiled again only this one had no warmth,no recidnision of the Asher I thought I knew."because I'll make you."
With those words he struck.

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