All hallows eve

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The creepy crowlys may come out but,I'll make them crawl back.

Asher is turning out to be a bigger pain in the ass than I thought. Leaving his obnoxious little clues only make me want to punch him in the balls. Halloween being in a few days dosent help. All the things that go bump in the night come out for Halloween. You could pass a vamp on the street and not even know it. It's disconcerting to say the least. So on Halloween as every scary thing imaginable is out so are we. Although we can be pretty frightening ourselves but,we're not getting into it right now,vamps to slay and trick or treaters to save! That's a little saying we came up with a few years back,board slayers are not productive or safe. My mood wasn't any better by lunch and by dinner I was ready to find a way to kill every vamp on the planet in one go. I was supposed to meet Alexdandre at a lead. I was running late but,I couldn't care less about what he thought so I walked slower on purpose. He as usual was scowling when I got there."your late." I rolled my eyes at him."yeah I am." His scowl only deepened. Our lead brought us to a warehouse in the 4th district,it was one of the older parts of town. The warehouse was empty as all our other leads were,I was about to punch the wall when Alexdandre called me over."look." I followed his gaze and stopped dead. There were two envelopes on a crate one addressed to me and another addressed to Alexdandre. I grabbed mine and opened it without looking. What it said was nothing good.
Dear miss Aderes, I understand your looking for me. I strongly advise against it. We wouldn't want dear calin to end up like Mom and dad. Not to mention big brother. The dress your mother wore the day she died was exquisite. You must be shocked,yes I was there that day the strong and fierce Aderes met there end. Your father never uttered a sound,even as your mother begged to spare you and your brother. If you do not wish for you or your dear friend calin or even Alexdandre, I believe you call him captain croissant to suffer the same fate you will stop looking for me.
S c

The paper fell from my shaking hands silently. I could tell from the tension in the room Alexdandres letter wasn't much better. I swallowed loudly before catching his eyes."what did yours say?"
He looked even paler than before,if that was even possible. "They threatened my grandmother. You?"
"Calin and me." My smile was so bitter it burned."they also apparently were there when my family was murdered."
His jaw was clenched as he rapidly shook his head."were done here." He turned to walk away and my arm swung around to grip his wrist and swung him back around to face me."the hell do you mean were done!?" He laughed cruelly."you can get yourself and calin killed but,I won't let you get me or my grandmother killed in your escapade in trying to save the world so you can prove something to your dead family."
My nails bit sharply into my fist in anger."you don't know a god damn thing about me so don't pretend to."
He laughed cruelly again before smirking nastily." Of course I know you Ember." He sneared at me before cutting me off so I couldn't open my mouth. "Your just another sad little girl with another sad little story." For some reason him saying this hurt me. But not because of what was said but, who said it. My voice echoed quietly off the concrete walls shattering my last few shreds of sanity."we'll then,it's time this sad little girl grew up and closed her sad little story." I didn't stay to see his reaction, I didn't care I only wanted to be a whole world away. Let someone else martyr themselves. They can save the world and carry the burden,I'm done doing it.

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