One muttered a prayer

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When life screws you over screw it right back

"Asher." My yell could be heard around town. All of his staff ran for cover as I stormed through the hallway. One muttered a prayer. Jesus won't save you now. The door to Asher's office blew open with a bang. He was hiding under his desk with a cross muttering about irresistible demons.

"Asher."I sing songed.
He let out a muffled sob.

"You lied to me."
He whimpered.

"Asher answer me, I won't kill you yet we don't have all the information you know." I growled ready to rip him from the false safety of his desk.

"You are chaos,you are the sole responsibility for the bloody bones massacre,vampires and demons alike far older than me tremble in your presence. There's a rumor you are related to the devil himself. Why would I lie to you?"he whispered fearfully.

I huffed."I honestly don't know who started that stupid devil rumor,I mean really. And Asher if you didn't lie to me why are you hiding."

"A new attempt to seduce you?"

I quirked an eyebrow.

"You always say you don't need saving so maybe if you save me instead you'll fall hopelessly in love with me." He nodded to himself."ya,that's what I'm going with."

"That's stupider than lying to me what am I supost to save you from the monster under your desk?"


I cut him off with a wave of my hand as I spoke."never mind we have a big problem. why did you not tell me captain croissant can walk in the sun?" I really should get face insurance it might get stuck in my bitch face. I'm already scary enough.

"Well I didn't lie to you persay more of with held information for fear of my life."


"I need to get new locks."he muttered.

I laughed at the thought of Asher putting locks all down the door and his face when I got in."u know I'd still get in." He swore under his breath.

He sighed as if he had the whole world on his shoulders. Poor bastard doesn't know what's coming."his bloodline is the most scary,deadly,and vicious. They are the only ones known to be able to walk in the sunlight. Alexdandre is one of the few who survived from his bloodline. A couple centuries ago all vampires went to war and almost all of his bloodline was wiped out. Very few survived. He's the only one who didn't go into hiding after that."

"Then what's so scary about them?"

Asher looked up almost as if he was praying for strength."he survived what almost none did."

I was totally lost like Dorothy and her ruby slippers lost."but vampires aren't a dying breed."

Asher closed his eyes almost as if he was remembering a memory and gave a bitter laugh."not anymore."

I hopped up onto his desk bent towards him and leaned forward just a little bit to much which I knew would get his attention. "well how do I kill him?"

"You don't." He said it flatly. Like it wasn't even a option.

"What the hell do you mean you don't. It's not just about me and random people anymore he threatened calin and everyone else I care about,even Matt. And nobody ever threatens Matt he's to Matt we'd all be doomed with out him!"

He gave me a look of annoyance which seemed to be common these days and let out a fake gasp."no not Matt anyone but Matt."

"Don't ever go into theater or acting you suck." He gave me a glare for my humor. Not my fault he sucks.

"Well as you go and somehow find a way to kill a almost unkillable vampire because that's just you,I'm gonna start begging god for forgiveness of my sins and hope when you get us all killed he will let me in."

I scoffed at the thought of god letting any of us in. We've sinned more than the devil and kai Parker combined. "Thanks for the confidence Debby downer. And the only way any of us would get into the big place in the sky is if the devil took it over well we're in his hell army of sinners,criminals,and demons."

He smiled sweetly at me."and which one would you be?"

I faked being afended."why I'm all 3 and a quarter monster."

Asher only started up his prayers again so I left. I was extra aware as I walked to my bike and started the engine. It came alive with a loud purr and I shot out like a bullet. I got the same feeling someone was watching me. I've had it for a few weeks now it's starting to worry me. The only person I could come up with for my creepy stalker/watcher was captain croissant. It wouldn't be good if it was him last time we met it didn't go to plan. But if it's someone else that's even worse. Not to mention scary. I just hope my new boots don't get blood stains on them. Bloody boots are a bitch to clean.

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