First impressions and first meetings

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You can etheir cry about how you didn't get into heaven or you can brag about how you rule hell

He had an incredulous look on his face"captain croissant?"

I smirked."I think it suits you."

"Your calling me a 500 something year old vampire who has killed thousands before your great great grandmother was even alive captain croissant?"

I shrugged"looks like your hearing is going to I'll just have to do the nice thing and put you down."

He tilted his head thoughtfully and studied me."I knew the devil was beautiful."

I smirked."flattery will get you nowhere. Well at least if it's from you."
Calin snickered at my behavior.

He only kept that stupid board blank look on his face. All though from the way his fist were clenching and unclenching I could tell he was pissed. Looks like I did my job and lived up to Asher's expectations,yay me.

"That's unfortunate I was hopeful we could sit and talk about boys well we braid each other's hair."

I cocked my eyebrow in interest."fictional or real life? Because I got to say the vampires on the originals and the vampire diaries are way hotter and smarter then real life ones."

"Ember not again."Calin groaned from me bringing up his most dreaded tv shows.

Captain croissant remained board."well aren't you too interesting."

I smiled barring all my teeth."of course were us."

He laughed suddenly the deep husky baratone bounced off the walls. It was a shame he was a vampire and my enemy if there was one thing I couldn't deny it was that he was gorgeous.

He smirked and gave me a look almost as he wanted me to know he knew something I should."you are very amusing it is unfortunate I'll have to kill you."

I smirked wickedly at him again."you'll have to catch me first." And with a look to calin we took off in opposite directions.
He went after me of course,which we wanted. I ran through the warehouse and slid under some boxes in a shipping container. I could hear his steps as he walked. More like gliding,you could barely hear him move. The only reason why I could was because well, I'm me and I'm not normal.
He paused a few feet away from me.
"Come out come out little huntress."
He walked a little closer."our games are fun but this will be funner." He paused and grinned slyly."for me."
He walked right in front of me."I see u little slayer,come say goodbye."
I popped out and smirked."bye bitch." Then he went flying backwards as my foot landed in the middle of his chest.
He roared a sound so fierce even I was closer on guard."petit tueuer you shouldn't of done that." His words were almost guttural.

"Well"I whispered "if your gonna go down go down fighting."

He smiled as he stalked me like a lion does to a tasty zebra. The hunter stalking the prey,the only thing was he didn't realize I wasn't the prey,far from it actually. I had been through too much to let a vampire scare me,there are a lot of worse things in the world than death. That was one thing I knew all to well.

"Where's your little friend petit tueuer? Surely he didn't leave you all alone with a big bad vampire."

I snorted."I hardly call you big and bad. Everyone else may be afraid of you but, I've always been different from everyone else."

"Welll" he drawled "this should make our game very interesting."

I rolled my shoulders as my neck cracked."it would seem so."

He flashed his fangs in a grin that spoke of blood,death,and pain. His eyes sparkled with the promise to deliver them. And instead of cowering like he wanted I smiled my own dark,sadistic,blood thirsty grin.

"Wanna dance Alexandre?"

He smirked."you have no idea Ember Aderes."

"Oh the full name" I mocked him"I'm in trouble now." With a snarl he ran at me. I dodged blow after blow, I managed to break his nose as I led him outside into the sunlight. As soon as we crossed the door way I was frozen in shock as was calin. Instead of screaming as he burned to ashes the vampire only smirked smugly at us and with a mocking bow and wink my way he ran off.

Calin turned to me wide eyed."ddid you ssee that?"

I looked him in the eye"yea,we might have a problem."

"Really and here I thought you got over your differences and were making plans for lunch and a movie."

I scowled at him."haha."

"Ember who's to say he's the only one who could walk in sunlight."

I froze at the question. If vampires really could walk freely during the day all hell would break lose. Innocents slaughtered, towns destroyed on a blood lust rampage. It would be hell in earth we needed to solve this mystery and fast. If not the outcome would not be good for anyone.

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