World savior wanted

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               World savior wanted
•must be willing to martyr themselves
•must not care who gets hurt in the crossfire
•must be willing to stake vampire who broke old martyr
•must be-

The paper was ripped out of my hands before I could finish writing. Calin stood in front of me my list slightly crumpled in his hand with a incredulous look on his face.
"World savior wanted?"
I nodded."mhm I'm done so as long as we're on this topic should I go as a slutty vampire or sexy slayer for Halloween?"

"Sexy slayer,and why is there a job wanted list for your unofficial job? If you give it up how  am I supposed to claim Bestfriend to the savior of the world?"
I shrugged cluelessly."I don't know figure it out."

"But I don't want to can't you just keep your job?" He wined like a child.

"No." My answer was firm."I'm done martying myself and getting hurt just so some teenagers can sneak out safely at night to get high or have sex."

"Does that mean your done with slaying cause I can't picture you baking cookies for your kids or driving a mini van."

I spit out my water."no way In hell you know there's few of us as there is. Besides slaying I like."

Calin raised a eyebrow and pulled what I like to call his'really Ember face". "Isn't saveing the world part of being a slayer?"

"Shit." I groaned before flopping on my bed face first.
"Well this day just keeps getting better and better."

Calin smiled sarcasticly at me and gave a thumbs up. His smile dropped quickly once he saw I was reaching for my throwing knives.

"Well."He started."What can I do so you keep your job as unofficial savior of the world."

"Kill Alexdandre,get Kol Mikaelson to become real and marry me,and oh Chick-fil-A."

Calin threw his hands up as if he was waiting for lightning to strike him down."you have to pick something impossible don't you?"

I shrugged."Bringing Kol to life is a requirement."

He put his head in his hands and groaned."I wasn't talking about that,I was talking about killing captain croissant!"

"But how would you get Kol to be alive?"

He gave me the 'really ember face' again."with the shit we've seen we could get that done easily."


"Really though,Ember what happened that you want to quit your unofficial job?"

I grimaced bitterly."Alexdandre dearest pointed out that I'm just a sad little girl."

"Well." He muttered"that explains you wanting him dead."

"Ding ding ding we have a winner!"

Calin plopped on to the couch and sighed."you know that's not true Ember."

"Isn't it though?"

He gave me a sad smile."you know it's not." He reached into his pocket."I got something for you." In his hand was a letter almost identical to the one I received from Alexdandre. I dreaded opening it. I decided to rip off the band aid and read it out loud.
"Dear,Ember I hear my grandson was being a typical male which meant he was being a dumb ass. Dear it doesn't matter how old the men there all stupid they can't help it it's in their DNA. My grandson included I'm afraid. Which is why I wanted to invite you to the house for tea,I hope you will come.
Ps.if you come there are plenty embarrassing tales about Alexdandre I can tell you,consider it pay back.

"Well now you have to go Ember you can get dirt on captain croissant."
I sighed in reply.

In the end I decided to go anyway. Which is why I'm outside their house when it's pouring rain soaked to the bone. I was so cold I almost didn't notice Antwanette open the door.
"Oh dear,hurry in before you catch cold." To late for that. She shuffled me into a big room with a lit fire place,2 huge chairs and a small table in the middle set up for every little girls dream tea party. She smiled at me as I sat down careful to keep most of my weight off the chair lest I soak it and ruin it."I'm glad you decided to join me for tea Ember." I forced a smile."Well I just couldn't pass up a chance to get dirt on captain croissant." She gave a bark of laughter that shook her whole body."captain croissant,I'll never let him live it down." I smiled a little at her mirth it was almost impossible not to."now let's get down to business." And suddenly the dread came back full force."I will be honest with you Alexdandre is a ass." She huffed a laugh and started counting on her fingers."he's annoying,stubborn,stupid,and many other things but we don't have all week to list his faults so I'll stop there. He drives me absolutely crazy,but I know he means well." I smiled bitterly into my tea."you also forgot brutally honest." She shook her head."you mean stupid yes I'm well aware of that."
"No it's brutally honest I just didn't like the truth." She arched her eyebrow at me."and what was he so 'brutally honest' about?"
"He just reminded me that I'm just another sad little girl with another sad little story."
Her eyes grew sad and glimmered with tears."oh honey, didn't you know every great story starts in tragedy." My eyes grew misty."and mine will end in tragedy." Antwanette smiled at me again."sweetheart the strongest hearts have the most scars." The wicked twinkle from when I first met her was back in her eye."now I believe I promised embarrassing stories about Alexdandre,yes?"

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