The bloody bones massacre

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Smile through the pain? Fuck that!

There was bar on the bad side of the city called bloody bones. It was a peace of crap bar to be honest.I was suppost to get info from a half demon on a missing persons case. Instead I massacred everyone inside. There were 25 vamps and 10 demons not to mention the few stray humans. They were all bad though they deserved it. They were running a human trafficking ring from the basement of the bar. Everyone that was in that bar was in on it.Even the humans. There was a pair of siblings. A boy about 12 and a girl about 9. They laughed as the little boy tried to protect his sister when they slaughtered them. I tore off the tail and wings of the one who killed them. 1 slayer by themselves killed over 30 supernaturals. It was me. The massive killing soon became known as the bloody bones massacre. Even fellow slayers were scared of me for a little bit after that. It soon spread through the supernatural community that I was responsible for the whole thing. It scared the crap out of most of them. Asher almost craped his pants when he saw me. It was quite helpful and amusing. And that's how I became known as the sole person responsible for the bloody bones massacre.

"So Asher saved his own skin again?"calin asked obviously angry.

He snorted."he's failing at his attempts to seduce you."

I cocked my eyebrow at him in a annoyed way."was he ever really exceeding?"

"Good point."

I sighed."besides we have bigger problems than Asher's seduction skills."

"Right mr. I can walk in the sun and piss Ember off like no other." Calin paused thoughtfully."he's very good looking though."

"So not the point." I shouted aspirated at calin pointing out captain croissants obviously good looks. Why are all the bad ones so hot? It's not fair!

"Well" calin paused."we could lure him into a trap again."

I snorted at the idea. He'd see it a mile away."right cause that worked out so well last time. Not that he's smart enough to know it's a trap too."

He rolled his eyes."gee ember if you don't dial down the sarcasm it'll be all you can speak." He faked a gasp and pretended to faint." It's already to late."

I smiled sweetly at him as he fell on the couch."Your so not funny."

"Really though what are we gonna do?"

I threw up my hands in frustration. This was getting harder by the minute."I don't know."

He swallowed and took a step back from me almost as what he would suggest would make me explode, I was right it did."what if you just talk to him?"

"Your funny calin but really what are we gonna do about captain croissant?"

"Im serious just talk to him."

"And why would he help me?"

"So he wouldn't have to deal with any more Asher's?"

"What the hell is wrong with you. He'd sooner see me dead then help me,actually he does want me dead!" I pushed him with every word I spoke."YOU ARE A IDIOT!"
The wide eyed frightened look he gave me was actually very funny.

He held up his hands in surrender."it makes the most sense." And Batman and the joker had a love child.

"We have to try ember if we don't who knows what will happen."

I sighed deeply before nodding my consent. Being a protector of humans and slayer is so not easy.

I went to meet alexdandre the next night. He decided the cemetery was a appropriate place. The bastard had a sick sense of humor. The big metal gates opened with a groan as I walked through the graveyard. When I got to one spot in particular I stoped breathing all together. Not only was captain croissant there but, he was leaning against my brothers grave. Almost killed him just for that.
My teeth gritted "Get off of that grave now!"
He only raised an eyebrow before he moved."aw getting sentimental little huntress?"

I glared at him."go back to hell."

"Oh such naughty words from such a sweet looking women. What would your brother say?"  He must of saw the murder in my eyes because he ran at vampire speed to the other end of the graveyard with his hands raised in surrender. I didn't care though, he brought up the past from where it should stay. Buried. My swords were in my hands a second later, I could hear the French curses he whispered under his breath as I strode towards him. It was only what he said that stopped me from slicing him in two. "Asher isn't on your side he wants to be able to walk in the sun." He paused before he looked me in the eye. No lies only truth shone  in them. "He also killed your brother."

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