Captian croissant has a message and a death wish

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You can still fight after you stop breathing.

When I got home there was a package on my kitchen table. Inside was a blood red rose and a letter. And what do you know it was from captain croissant.

Dear chaos, I heard you have been not very happy with me. I would apologize but I'm not sorry. Those attacks were merely fun compared to what I'll do. I suggest you stop trying to stop them. But, from what I hear your quite stubborn. So I look forward to meeting you.
With all my annoyance,

That son of a bitch. If I wasn't pissed before I sure as hell was now. Forget his head on the wall I'm gonna burn him alive and make him watch. A knock at the door inturupted my plotting of ways to torture captain croissant before his head gets mounted to my wall.

Calin was at my door. He strode through like he owned the place and plopped down on the couch. I all but threw the damn letter at him setheing.

After a minute he looked up with a raised eyebrow as if he thought this interesting.
"Well, it seems you may have a problem."

I narrowed my eyes."what the hell do you mean?"

"Well he already knows things about you. Like where you live for example. I'd say it's about time we learned more about captain croissant."

I grinned."how did you guess his nickname?"

He smirked."I know you Ember we've been friends a long time. Also put some croissants out with the flag when you mount his head to the wall."

I wiped fake tears from my eyes."I love you. You just get me. God help anyone who pisses both of us off."

Calin laughed so hard he almost cried.
"Now lets go show captain croissant what everybody already knows."

"And what do they know?"

He smirked again."that you make the devil cry for his mommy."

Me and calin wanted to send captain croissant a message so we decided to go big or go home. So that's why we were getting ready for a very big vampire hunt. We found some information about vampires that are working for him and decided to go pay them a visit. I do hope he likes my gifts.

"Ready to go?"

I scoffed."I was born ready,besides he really shouldn't of sent that letter."

Calin grinned."oh I know."

We were outside an old building that had been abandoned for years. It was falling apart,the shadow the moon cast didn't help ethier. Dust flew through the air as we jumped through the broken windows on to shattered glass and crept silently through the shadows till we found my presents. They just sat there like animals waiting the slaughter.

"Ready?"calin mouthed.

I nodded. And we attacked they never saw us coming. Calin took the left I took the right. We cut them down easily. Until we got to the last. He was crying and shaking.

"Wwhy?" He sobbed.

"A message to your boss."

He flinched at my voice void of emotion."wwhhy us aand not ssomeone else?"

I stared at him flatly."you were the best message to send." Calin killed him a second later with a swift slice of his sword. We arranged them in a way we knew he'd get the message. Some would think it harsh but it was necessary. He thinks he can play around with me,he's wrong. Many have made the mistake before all I had to do was correct it.

It was almost sun rise by the time we got back and calin took off as soon as we did. My phone rang just as I was unlocking the door. It was Stan. Again.

"Ember I want you to go meet someone she has information we need do whatever nesicary to get it."

"Ok who is it?"

"Ameal ivy ranger."


He sighed."just do it Ember ." All that was left was the dial tone.

Bells clanged as I walked into the cluttered shop. A dark haired older woman was sitting at a table with 2 chairs.


She smiled. "I've been expecting you Ember aderes."

"Um okayy."

"Don't be wary child I have the information you seek,and the information you need."

"Wha-" she cut me off.

"I'll tell you the information you need first." She took my hand in her's and started chanting. She suddenly seized forward and stoped chanting. When she spoke next it was as if she wasn't the one speaking.

"Beware Ember aderes the ones closest to you are not on your side,they seek to destroy you and everything you hold dear. Your greatest enemy will become your greatest love. You will need him bye your side to stop those who wish to harm you. Remember everything is not what it seems."

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